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Camila's PoV

Ryn had shown up with her new man candy of the month. Tristan was nice enough and it turned out he had five nieces and no nephews, so he knew how to interact with the girls quite easily. However, the moment he said he wasn't a fan of hockey, all bets were off.

The look on Lucas' face was priceless and Dylan drilled him about the sports he did like.

Tennis? Curling? Seriously?

"Are you sure he isn't a little gay?" I whispered into Ryn's ear.

"Mila!" She hissed. "Be nice."

"Your last boyfriend left you for a man..." I shrugged and she pouted. We laughed about it but at first it was traumatizing for her. I could only imagine.

"I think we're almost ready to sit down," Lauren came up to us in the living room and leaned against the back of the couch, watching Dylan frown at Tristan's explanation of how tennis was played.

I eyed her up like she was some sort of sex candy. What? I couldn't help it while I was around her. Her tight jeans and barely-there sweater that hung off her shoulders weren't making the thoughts of her in provocative positions go away. She really was teasing me.

"Lucas, Dyl," I walked up to them and placed one hand on each of their heads, "you mind going to wash up before dinner, please?"

Dylan was the first to jump up and run towards the washroom, Lucas close behind.

"Thank you for having me over, Camila." Tristan smiled and looked over at Ryn, who was helping Lauren set the table.

"Please," I rolled me eyes playfully, "Ryn's been talking about you non-stop, I had to meet you."

The tall brunette grinned, his green eyes smiling over towards his girlfriend.

"However," I leaned towards him, "if you ever hurt her, I promise it'll come back tenfold on you," I patted his chest and nodded, plastering a smile on my face, "hungry?"

"Are we late?!" Normani came in, snow topping her head along with Sammy's. "It's so slippery out there, I drove slow."

"Like a snail, slow." Sammy remarked with a grin and received an eye roll from Normani. "It smells so good in here."

"Thanks." I grinned and turned to Lauren, "Jauregui did most of the work."

Lauren widened her eyes and shook her head. "No way, I just helped."

"I observed." I nodded and pinched Lauren on the cheek softly. "Don't be shy babe, you're a talented cook."

Especially those breakfasts in bed meals she'd cook me back in high school.

"She is!" Dylan came back from the washroom and hugged Normani. "Is Sammy your girlfriend?"

Ryn held back a chuckle and I raised an eyebrow at Normani. "Yea, is she?"

"Camila." Lauren admonished softly but smiled as she did so.

"Uh," Sammy laughed, her eyes scanning the people in the house while waiting for the answer, "I don't think we're quite there yet."

Normani nodded slowly and bit her lip. "Yea."

And cue awkward moment.

"Well the potatoes are done, all we need is for the chairs to be occupied and we're ready!" Ryn piped up and everyone started to gather into the dining room.

I sat next to Lauren, who sat next to Dylan. I eyed up Lucas across from me, who grinned and stole a carrot off Normani's plate when she wasn't looking. The dinner was running smoothly and the small talk wasn't awkward.

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