It's Her Time To Shine

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Sammy's PoV

Some people just don't get it. Maybe they don't want to understand it and that was okay by me, but it didn't make it right for them to keep making assumptions.

Finally, I was given a chance to voice my own opinions about the situation without being a wallflower or a back drop.

I watched her move around the café with amusement. She tried so hard to grab my attention but what she failed to know is that she already had it.

And that was all it would be, nothing more.

Jaiden noticed me and slid into the seat across from me. "Couldn't stay away from me, huh?"

"Never." I replied with a smirk and she blushed slightly. "Actually I was just wondering when you got your break?"

"Oh." Surprise spread across her face as she looked back at the clock. "Ten minutes?"

"I'll wait." I shrugged and she smiled, tripping over her feet as she took off towards the back.

Now, don't go getting all weird on me. I could appreciate a good looking woman when I saw one and Jaiden Wynters was definitely good looking. But like I said, she had my attention and that was all I was willing to give.

I just wanted a friend.

Seemed to me that Camila and Lauren had been getting quite close as of late and Normani had pulled away for some odd reason. Sofi was nowhere to be found – except in your living room television where she rocked the arenas down one by one with live concerts.

Sofia Cabello.

Right, my whole speech was going to be about her to begin with. See, no one understood us and maybe they didn't because they didn't receive the full story.

Our relationship was more than just a high school fling – hell it was more than a college fling. It was real and it made me look at life differently. Not necessarily in a bad way, but in a way where I learned that not everything was perfect.

Including Sofi.

She could've been though, but her flaws were just begging to be shown. I still loved her anyway.

I still forgave her.

Took me a while but we got there eventually.

I was in love with the woman. I always had been and the first time we broke up was hell for me because I figured that was what she wanted. Then she got involved with that girl Isa and I couldn't take it anymore.

So I laid my heart out on the line and hoped for the best. It was beautiful while it lasted.

But everyone just needed to believe me, believe us, when we said it was over.

There was no more future for us. Not after the way she tore my heart out over and over again. Maybe I wasn't the most innocent person in all of this. I could've handled situations properly. I could've been there to support her through the early stages of her career, but I didn't.

I had said my goodbyes because that was what was needed. One of us had to do it because we weren't happy anymore.

Simple as that.

Not everyone lives a 'happily ever after' life.

I stopped talking to Sofi for at least two years before she stumbled upon my facebook. I hadn't seen her in two and half years before running into her at a video store. She was with Tracey still and what confused me was how much it warmed my heart to find her smiling once again with a gorgeous brunette attached to her arm.

We talked and soon found ourselves hanging out every once in a while. Tracey and I had become close as well. She had a love for travelling and we could talk about different cities and cultures for hours before Sofi had to pry us apart.

Did I mention I was part of the wedding party?

Yes. One of Sofi's 'groomsladies'.

Sofi had beat herself up everyday over the fact that she knew about Camila and Lauren's daughters. She told me but made me swear not to tell.

I wouldn't have anyway. Wasn't exactly my place.

I was friends with Camila so it made it hard for me to bite my tongue when she told me about a little girl being brought into her home by the name of 'Dylan Avery.'. Again, it wasn't my place. I wasn't a sister nor was I a best friend, just a close one.

"Okay so..." Jaiden smiled down at me with her coat on, "I need to run to Safeway and grab the 'rents some fresh tomatoes, you wanna come for a walk?"

"Walk?" I chuckled.

"Sure, it's not that cold out!" Jaiden laughed and I rolled my eyes, grabbing my own coat. "This doesn't count as my break by the way, I just figured you'd want to tag along."

"Uh huh." I nodded with a smile. "Lead the way little one."

"Make one more joke like that again and you're not coming." She pouted as she swung the door open for me.

"Shouldn't it be you who gets the time outs?" I laughed as she chucked a snowball at me, missing me completely but hitting... "Normani!"

"Hey." The dark haired beauty stuffed her hands in her pockets after brushing the snow off her coat. "Where you goin?"

"Tomato shopping." Jaiden smiled and grabbed my arm.

Normani nodded slowly and tilted her head before taking a step forward and placing her lips by my ear. "Two words for you gorgeous," she smelled good, "jail bait."

"Ugh." I pushed her back and shook my head. "Talk with you later, Normani."

Yea, if you thought my liking for Sofi was huge... definitely hadn't seen me when I was around Normani Kordei.

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