The Engraved Guitar

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Sofia's PoV

Flashes blinded me as I stepped off the tour bus and found myself bombarded with fans and the paparazzi.


"Sofi! Over here!"

"Sofi! Marry me!"

"SOfi, I love you!"

"I want your baby!"

Scream after scream and cry after cry wafted through the long alleyway towards the backdoor entrance at the arena in New York City.

The past couple of months have been so busy I'd barely had any time to think. It was nice though, I had to admit. I was feeling a little less pressured knowing I didn't have to worry about late night phone calls or breaking a heart when I said I wouldn't be coming home because there had been a hold up.

"Sofi!" I heard a familiar voice and turned around to find Marissa, my personal assistant, following me with her hands full of my personal dressing room stuff.

"Rissa!" I laughed and immediately helped her take half the stuff that was weighing her down. "I told you to wait; I would've helped you after rehearsal."

Her blonde hair fell over her eyes as she blushed. "I guess I couldn't hear you over the screaming."

I snickered and was led by guards to my dressing room for the next two nights. My name was plastered on it and everything I had requested to be in the room was there. Stuff like bottles of water, gummy bears and ice cream. I noticed tons of flowers scattered the room, most of them from fans and some from business people around the city, wishing me luck.

"Aww!" Marissa cooed when she noticed a blue teddy bear sitting in my make up chair. "How cute!"

I grinned and grabbed it, taking the small card from its collar and turned it over.

Wishing you the best of luck on the last leg of your tour.

Much love, Tracey.

I bit my lip and tucked the tiny card into my pocket before placing the bear on the counter against the mirrors.

"These are from your parents!" Marissa squealed at the massive bouquets of orchids and lilies. They always sent me more than they should when I was on tour. With this concert being my first in the US of this year, they seemed to have gone all out, welcoming me back onto their Continent.

I glanced over towards the couch and noticed my favourite blanket from Camila's, gently draped over the back of it. "Oh guys!" I said to no one with a big smile on my face before plopping head first into the couch, inhaling the smell of my sister and her family. It made me miss home so much.

"Sofi?" Marissa held up her hand and pointed towards the wall where my old guitar was placed carefully on a stand.

I frowned and got up, walking slowly towards the instrument and stared at it before picking it up. I turned it over and in my own etching there was 'Samantha Taylor' engraved in the back. The guitar I wrote my first hit song on. The guitar I helped try to teach Sammy on. The guitar I gave to her years ago.

There was no card, no tag, no note, no nothing. I don't remember how long I held the guitar in my hand for but Marissa was gently taking it out of my grasp and placing it back gently.

"Don't take this the wrong way," she started as we sat down on the couch, "but it seems that you're more heartbroken by your non-breakup with Sam then your real one with Tracey."

My eyes snapped to hers and she just shrugged. I knew she didn't mean it in a mean way but the fact that she was right, kind of made me angrier with myself. "I should get out there to rehearse."

Marissa didn't try and stop me. She just let me go and I did my own thing.

Before I knew it, the day was gone and I hit the stage to do a 90minute concert, kicking off my first concert in the States from my world tour. I really did enjoy myself out on stage and I was glad that the fans were just as energetic as I was. I didn't want the tour to come to an end because I realized I missed that sense of freedom to be me. To do something I love and forget about reality for a better part of the night.

I showered in my dressing room and was greeted with a few fans that had won backstage passes.

"Hey everyone!" I smiled and sat down across from them in my dressing room. I shooed the big intimidating guards away and saw the three young females visibly relax. "I guess they have to assume some fans to be psychos."

They laughed and settled further into the couch.

"So this is going to be a part of your tour documentary," Marissa said as a camera man started rolling footage, "just act natural."

"If you're thirsty, help yourself to a drink in the mini fridge." I offered politely and smiled as they all shook their heads. "Please, make yourself at home."

"Are you sad that your tour is coming to an end?" The blonde girl asked. I glanced down at her name tag briefly before settling back in my seat.

"Well Jill, I am almost in tears just thinking about it. I think is one of my best tours to date..."

So another long tour was about end and I had to say for the first time since I've started playing music, I had truly enjoyed it all. I was able to find a sense of myself along the way and it helped that other people were noticing the difference as well.

I was determined to finish this last leg with everything I had to offer. I wasn't going to hold back because that was all I had done for the past twelve years.

I would play things I never thought I'd play again...I'd even play my acoustics on my 'Samantha Taylor' guitar.

Maybe...I'd even play for her.

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