Feeling The Heartache

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Sammy's PoV

The Cabello house was silent after Camila had walked away from the heated argument between her and Sofi. Lauren had slowly made her way back upstairs and was dressed fully clothed, waving bye to us and taking off with a bouncy Dylan.

Sofi and Tracey had left right after Camila left the kitchen. Ryn and Tristan left as well, simply because Tristan had to work later that morning and he wanted breakfast.

I stood there in the kitchen, watching Normani make coffee and not meeting my gaze. "Hey," I whispered and she blinked slowly, her eyes flickering to mine with a soft look, "if I upset you, I didn't mean too."

"You didn't." Normani smiled and shrugged. "I just feel bad that this family has been ripped to shreds." I nodded and looked down at my feet. I felt her hands cup my face and she smiled. "No regrets about last night?" She had a playful grin back in place.

"No." I breathed and she moved to kiss me softly before stepping back.

"I need to make a few important phone calls and then I promised Mila I'd have lunch with her and Luc, would you like to join us?" Her grey eyes sparkled and I returned her smile, nodding. "Did you want me to drop you off at the hotel so you can change?"

"Please." I grinned and she kissed me again before running upstairs to tell Camila we were leaving.

It took a good twenty minutes to get to the hotel I was staying at and Normani dropped me off, saying she had to go back and talk to Camila before getting to her phone calls. I nodded and smiled when she kissed me before I hopped out of the rented Camero and into the hotel lobby.

Thinking that maybe I could at least get some research done before heading back to New Zealand in a month's time, I quickly made my way up to my room. I stopped dead in my tracks when I noticed another raven-haired woman standing by my door. "Sofi," I frowned and had a flash of déjà vu from the day before when Normani was standing in that exact same spot.

"Hey," she waved a little unsure of herself and I opened the door to my room, allowing her to step inside.

"Where's Tracey?"

Sofi stopped at the edge of the bed before sitting down and shrugging. "I think she needed to be alone, went to grab us a bite to eat."

I nodded slowly and dropped my card key on the desk and smiled when I glanced at the rose resting perfectly in the makeshift vase.

"You and Normani..." She started and stopped when I turned around to look at her, raising an eyebrow. "I'm not jealous," she said seriously.

"Well good," I frowned a little and sat in the far chair, folding my hands in my lap and shrugging, "even if you were..."

"Sam," Sofi sighed, "I'm not. I'm more concerned than anything."

"I'm a big girl." I smiled.

"But Normani... I just... I don't like the way she treats women. What if she cheats on you?" Her eyebrow raised in concern.

"So once a cheater, always a cheater?" I raised my own eyebrow, looking at her with my head tilted. "People change."

"I'm sorry." Sofi sighed heavily and rubbed her face. "I didn't come here for that. I mean, as long as you're happy and Normani is good to you, I just... I'm sorry."

"It's okay." I remained where I was and leaned forward a bit. "So, what did you come here for?"

"Why'd you stick up for me?" She asked quietly. "You really didn't have to do that, Sam. I mean, I'm grateful you did, but what benefit do you get out of it?"

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