Feisty PreTeen

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Camila's PoV

It was hard to believe that three months had passed since January. Three short months, and it all went by so fast.

It was the last game of the season for the girls and I had two more weeks of coaching for Jaiden's team. Then I'd be setting my attention fully on the Wedding plans and work.

"Are ya ready Coach?" Lauren bumped my hip with hers as she helped fill up the team's water bottles. She made a really great assistant and I even gave her the responsibility of blowing the whistle when the girls had to change it up.

My proud helper.

I couldn't wait to marry that woman, say our vows, be completely together.

"I'm ready." I grinned widely, knowing I was ready for anything life was going to throw our way.

Lauren stuffed her cold hands in her jacket pockets as she eyed up the girls warming up on the ice. "Is it weird that it's colder in here than it is outside?"

"April showers bring May flowers." I chirped and gave her the signal to blow the whistle.

The team came forward and huddled around me and Lauren. "Alright, so here it is, your last game of the tournament and everyone is banking on us to win the championships three years in a row!"

The team cheered and I could tell they were just as pumped up as I had always been during a huge game.

"We're up by 1 goal and there's less than five minutes left. Now, I have to tell you that winning isn't everything, okay? You've all made me proud. I just want you to play your best, have fun and show them who owns this ice!"

"Woo!" Lucas was the loudest to cheer, swinging her stick in the air.

"On the count of three," I put my fist in first, followed by the teams', then Lauren's cold hand, "one, two, three, Rawr!!"

"Rawr!!" They screamed and were off to their positions on the ice.

"Are you going to be coaching next hockey season?" Lauren asked me, biting her nails in anticipation as the puck dropped in front of Dylan and her opponent.

"We'll see." I smiled and continued to cheer on my favourite hockey team.

Lucas had mentioned that she wanted to play for the rest of her life but also wanted to pursue something with her art. She was showing more interest in her art club, art classes and sketched almost everything in sight.

Dylan wanted to play hockey for the rest of her life as well, her drive was so strong for it that she asked if she could enter a three day hockey camp during the summer. Lauren didn't even question her, she just nodded and asked where to sign a parental sheet.

"Penalty on #5!" The referee blew the whistle and pointed Lucas towards the penalty box. I raised my hands in the air at her and frowned.

She just looked smug.

I couldn't even rip into her for it because I played the exact same way.

"You couldn't have done something before we entered under two minutes of the third period?" I heard Lauren question her, with a raised eyebrow.

"Chill Momma," Lucas took off her helmet and threw her stick over towards me, "Dyl's got this in the bag."

Lauren turned to look at me and shrugged, turning her focus back on the game.

Lucas was banging on the glass, hollering at Dylan to pull back. They had their own language when it came to game time, talking in riddles to throw the other players off.

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