My Mom, My Piano Playing Hero

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Camila's PoV

"It wasn't easy for us. We came from completely different families. You know her adopted parents were hardcore Christians just like the Woods and mine were basically hippies. They didn't like me." Dad paced the room. "It drove us apart before we really even got together."

I sat up and hugged my pillow. "What happened?"

"We broke up," a flash of sadness crossed his features, "she left me for the captain of the lacrosse team because his parents made him go to church every Sunday. School ended, we graduated and a couple of years later we met up at a local club where I swept her right back in my arms."

"Hence Alex." I rolled my eyes and gagged. My dad lightly punched me on the shoulder and laughed. "So you two actually broke up for two years before getting back together?"

"It was hard at first, but we were a little older and understood a lot more. I knew I couldn't live without her." Dad chuckled and braced himself on my knee. "Want to hear something funny?"

"Uh, if it involves creepy parent sex, then no." I shuddered and he rolled his eyes.

"Your mom was with someone when I swept her off her feet."

"Huh?" I grinned. "You let her cheat?"

"She was with someone for about three months when we met up again."

"Poor guy." I shook my head with a smirk and dad raised an eyebrow at me. I raised one back in question.

"Poor gal."

"Oh." I laughed and then stopped. "What?!" I yelped and jumped up on my bed, "What?"

"What is the commotion in here?" The devil herself walked in with a hand on her hip. "You two really need to tone it down, Kyla and Austin are downstairs with the baby and Camila why are you looking at me like that?" She looked at me while I smirked at her and bounced off my bed. "What?"

"Mila..." Dad warned me and smiled lightly at his wife.

"You little whore." I said playfully and the look on my mother's face was priceless. I ignored her 'Camila!' and closed the door so that both of my parents were trapped in my room with me. "So uh, dad and I were having an interesting conversation."

"Do I want to know?" Sinu eyed her husband up and then glanced back at me. "Camila, why are you looking at me like that?"

"What was her name?" I asked calmly, looking at my nails.

"Who?" She frowned in confusion. "God Camila, I don't have time for your mind games right now."

Mind games.

Trying going through one with Lauren fucking Jauregui.

"The one you left for dad?" I asked innocently, beaming a smile at my parents as if I had just aced a hard test.

"Alejandro!" Sinu looked at him and shook her head.

"It's not that big of deal." He shrugged with a grin. "Come on, both of our daughters are gay, do you really think they're going to tease you?"

"Yes." I answered for her with an impish grin.

"Rachel Hunter." Sinu said quietly. "We met first day of college, no big. Once your father entered the picture-"


"Did you tell her our whole love life?" She whipped her head around to look at my dad.

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