Move Along

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Lauren's PoV

The atmosphere was quiet when we arrived home. The girls rushed upstairs to do their homework and Matthew sat on the living room floor playing with his toy trucks.

Camila put the kettle on the element and grabbed two mugs from the cupboard. I studied her movement and I could tell something was on her mind. "Everything okay?"

Camila glanced at me with an apologetic smile and nodded then paused before shrugging. "Mr. Shapiro was in town today."

Mr. Shapiro was someone Camila didn't like to mention unless she really had to. By the look she was giving me at that moment, it wasn't a pleasant visit. "You didn't know he was coming?"

She snorted and leaned over the counter, her forehead pressed against mine. "Apparently there was an email sent but I didn't get it. He came bearing some news that was both good and bad."

"Does this have to do with Matthew?" I whispered and she quickly shook her head. It was unspoken but neither Camila nor I were looking into good homes for him... I think I'd be devastated if Matthew left the family.

I could now say I understood just how hard it was for Camila to welcome these kids in her home only to know they'd be leaving again. Matthew seemed happy where he was and we knew that the girls had no problems, just as long as Lucas kept her valuables in her room.

"Why the long face?" I stroked her cheek softly and she just closed her eyes, smiling lightly.

"The good news is I'm worthy enough to be amongst the Board of Directors for a weeklong meeting," brunette hair fell over her eyes and I tucked them away, "bad news is I have to be at that meeting next week."

"Okay," I gave her an encouraging smile and tilted my head to the side, "why is that bad news?"

"It's in Toronto." Camila breathed and moved to the stove, taking the whistling kettle off the element. "I leave on Sunday and I'll be back Saturday."

"Oh." I frowned, instantly not liking the idea. "I'm guessing there's no way around it, eh?"

"Not really. It sounds like a big deal. They're making some changes and he thinks it'd be beneficial if I were there to express just how great things run here. He's hoping I can bring some ideas to the table to allow the larger city departments to be just as successful as small town ones." Camila carefully passed me my cup of tea and sat across from me at the breakfast bar.

Of course I'd be sad that my girl would be gone for a week and I'd miss her like crazy but the business opportunity was important. Before me, before I entered the picture again, Camila strived to get where she was with her career. I wasn't about to let me stop her from succeeding and getting further with her accomplishments.

"Well I'm going to miss you and as much as I'd like to throw a pity fit and beg you to find a way out of it, I think this is a great opportunity Camz." I grabbed her hand from across the counter and squeezed it. "Believe me, I'm not happy about spending a whole week away from you."

Camila bit her lip and smiled softly, making her way to my side of the counter and plopped herself on my lap. "You're amazing, you know that? Here I want to kick and scream because I don't want to be the one leaving and you're being all responsible."

"It's all part of growing up." I winked and brought my lips up to kiss her gently. I held her tightly against me as the kiss continued slowly and lovingly.

"Um, not in front of the boy?" Lucas cleared her throat and grinned when Camila and I broke apart. "I just wanted you to look over my homework," she placed her notebook in front of us and continued to grab an apple from the fridge.

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