Girls & Their Hockey

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Lauren's PoV

I couldn't believe I was topless and she wasn't. Her hands were like fire on my back as her mouth slid against mine in the most delicious way. "Camz," I gasped as she flipped me on my back, settling me down on the couch, her hand gripping my hip slightly.

I shivered when she wrapped my leg over her hip, feeling her rock against me as her mouth slid down my neck.

We should be talking. We should be laying everything out on the table. Questions should be asked and maybe a little bit of yelling here or there – but there wasn't any of that.

"Fuck Lo, you feel so good," her harsh breathing washed over my ear, causing me to moan loudly.

We had been pretty much making out for the longest time before I felt her hand go under my shirt, cupping my breast over my soft cotton bra.

I was so wet and needing her to just do whatever she pleased, as long as it was making me come against her.

I felt her mouth move lower and growled, tugging at her hair when I felt her tongue circle over my right nipple teasingly.

Only she could make me feel anything like that. The other women I was with after Camila, I had no recollection of them. Their faces were always so blurry because I was always so out of it. I couldn't remember their touches. At all.

Camila's touch however, left a permanent impression on my mind the whole time we were apart.

I arched my back when I felt her slender fingers slide into the waistband of my jeans. Just as she was about to pop the button, she pushed off me in a hurry, her brown eyes wide. I frowned in confusion and was about to say something when we heard the sharp laughter of girls coming up the outside porch.

"Shit," I cussed quietly and moved fast to grab my shirt, tugging it on fast. I had no time to but my bra back on, so Camila stuffed it between the couch cushions and handed me her coach jacket to put on to hide my chest.

Camila swallowed hard, flipping back her long hair as she turned on the TV and it was no surprise that a hockey game happened to be the first thing she changed it too. Her face was so flushed and her lips so swollen from all the kissing. I blinked heavily, wanting nothing more than to reach over and grab her, kiss her, beg her...

"Mom!" Dylan opened the door and kicked off her boots and coat, before making a running jump to sit in my lap. "You're still here!"

"I am." I whispered and caught Camila's half smile through the reflection of the TV.

"Can we watch a movie?" Lucas was behind Dylan, and sat on the couch between her mother and me.

"Didn't you just watch one?" Jaiden stood at the front door, smiling as she closed it.

"Yes but it's Friday Night Frightmare!" Lucas pouted and I heard Camila chuckle.

"Baby," the brunette ran her fingers through the wavy brunette hair of her daughter, "I don't think watching a scary movie is that great of an idea."

"Sure it is, Jaiden can spend the night and keep me company." Lucas grinned.

"Ah," Jaiden shook her head, "sorry kid but I have a practice in the morning and I don't think Coach would forgive me if I missed it." Her eyes gleamed at Camila's as she smiled.

"And you're right," Camila admonished jokingly, getting up from her side of the couch, "so since I have to be up early in the morning, you two need to be in bed within the next thirty minutes so you're not cranky when Ryn comes and gets you."

"Awww." Dylan pouted and crossed her arms against her chest. "Why can't we come with you, Camila?"

"Yea." Lucas pouted.

"Because it'll be early and the last time you two fell asleep in the penalty box." Camila teased, causing both girls to giggle and blush.

"Well, it was nice sharing the evening with you two ladies," Jaiden bowed and looked at me, "hope you enjoyed your night as well." She threw a wink and leaned over the couch to kiss the girls on the cheek and kissing Camila on the forehead. "Night gorgeous people."

"Night Jai and thank you!" Camila smiled and got up to close the door behind the teenager. She looked at the three of us sitting on the couch. "You two should get ready for bed."

"But mom!" Lucas sighed but got up anyway and held out her hand for Dylan to take. "Are you still going to be here when we're done getting ready for bed?" Her eyes held mine and she licked her lips.

"Of course," I replied softly and she grinned, dragging Dylan up the stairs behind her, the two of them giggling the whole way.

Camila watched and listened as she heard them get to their own rooms before she sat right next to me, cupped my face and kissed me hard.

"Fuck," I muttered when she pulled back, her eyes just as dark as my own. "Damnit, you can't do that and then just stop."

"Here's your bra," she grinned, ignoring my comment, while handing me the white material.

"Thanks." I pouted and she grinned, kissing me softer that time. She pulled back in time to hear the girls come down the stairs. I stuffed it in the pocket of the jacket I was wearing and grinned as Dylan made herself comfortable on my lap once again; her hair smelled like coconuts from her previous bath.

There was a peaceful atmosphere that filled the air as the hockey game played in the background. I looked over to see the two Cabello ladies eyes glued to the screen and then found Dylan's on it too.

I chuckled to myself and wrapped my arms tighter around the small waist of my daughter.

My girls and their hockey.

I loved it how some things would never changed.


Dylan's PoV

"Dyl?" I heard her whisper in the darkness of my bedroom.

"Mm?" I yawned.

"Do you think your mom likes my mom?" I felt her move on the bed and turned over, facing her. "I mean, do you think they like each other?"

I stifled another yawn and smiled sleepily. "They did say they were girlfriends at Jai's age."

Lucas stretched out on her back in my twin bed and propped both her hands behind her head. "I wanted to say sorry."

"For?" I whispered, sitting up to look at her.

"For not giving your mom a chance." Lucas rubbed her eyes and blinked at me. "Forgive me?"

I smiled and squealed, moving to jump on her in a hug as we both fell into a fit of giggles. "You're forgiven."

"So are you excited about Jason's birthday party tomorrow?" She asked in a whisper as we heard Camila's bedroom door being shut quietly.

"Yea," I blushed slightly. He was the cutest blonde in my class. His eyes were the greenest colour ever.

"Me too." Luc smiled and ran her hand through my hair. "Do you think Hadley really likes me?"

Hadley did. She always asked me about Lucas and I was only nine, but I wasn't stupid. She would always ask me if she thought Lucas would mind if she played with us at recess, or if she would like what colour of shirt she was wearing. That wasn't normal, right?

"She likes you." I giggled quietly.

"Shut up and go to sleep." Luc shrugged and blushed before pulling the covers up to our chins. It was snowing hard outside and I hoped my mom made it back to her hotel safely.

"Hadley liiiikes you." I kissed her cheek quickly before turning my back towards her and closing my eyes.

"Night sis." I heard her whisper and I grinned.

"Night sis."

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