It Kind Of Tickled

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Camila's PoV

"Go Dylan!" Lauren screamed as her daughter stole the puck away from another player and scooted down the rink. I smiled at the situation. I remember when she'd get into my games like that – it only made me show off more though.

The rules were different in the younger group. There was no touching allowed with the other team mates, so when Dylan was shoved into the boards by a slightly larger player, Lauren flipped. She was red and ready to bust a cap in someone's ass.

"Lo," I pulled her back and gripped her shoulder, "calm down." I whispered as soon as Dylan made her way into the team box. "Hey my girl, are you okay?" I knelt down and she grinned, nodding.

"It kind of tickled." Dylan shrugged and took of her helmet. Lauren was there beside her, wiping sweaty curls away from the little girl's forehead. "Mommy, I'm fine." She giggled as Lauren thoroughly checked her over as much as she could.

"Dyl! You okay?" Lucas skated towards us out of breath and pulled her mask up. She got the thumbs up from the young Jauregui and they gave each other a high five before Lucas took off down the ice.

"Can I go back out there?" Dylan asked me with a pout. I looked at Lauren, who bit her lip.

"Just sit for a few minutes," I smiled softly and patted her head.

Lauren mouthed me a 'thank you' and I nodded, going back to watching the game. Three minutes later, the skater from the other team that pushed Dylan was back out on the ice along with Dylan herself.

"Cabello!" I heard the referee holler and I closed my eyes tightly, knowing exactly what had happened. Lucas was being escorted to the penalty box.

"She just totally tripped that player." Lauren said wide-eyed.

"No one messes with Dylan." I shrugged and shook my head at my daughter as she blushed and hung her head.

Secretly these moments made me proud but people would find it rather odd. The only reason why I felt proud was because Lucas only had Dylan's best interest at heart. But I still made it clear that it was wrong – no matter how proud I was.

My team was up by two goals, making it 5 – 2. One of those goals was from Dylan and two from Lucas. I was proud and by the look in Lauren's face, she was proud too.

Finally the game came to an end and the team was excited that they won yet again. "Well now, who's the best team in Kenora?" I beamed as they laughed all the way to the change rooms after shaking hands with the other team.

Lauren stopped outside the door of the change room and I raised an eyebrow while other parents pushed between us to help their children get ready for home. "You can come in." I smiled and pushed the door open wider.

"Camila," Lauren grabbed my hand and stared at me, "thank you."

"Don't thank me." I said seriously with a hint of a grin. "Please."

"Miss Jauregui, did you see that slap shot?!" Lucas squealed, ripping off her jersey and throwing it in her small gym bag. "Wow, right? That was awesome!"

Lauren's eyes glowed with amazement as my daughter spoke to her. I told her she'd come around. And so did Dylan for that matter.

"Did you teach her that?" Lauren asked, smiling.

"Yes!" Lucas beamed and wrapped an arm around Dylan's shoulder. "Can we go for ice cream?"

"Uh," I cleared my throat, "well honey," I pulled Lucas aside and brushed my lips against her forehead, "you and I can go for ice cream but I think Lauren and Dylan should be alone for a bit."

Lucas stopped smiling and scrunched her face up. "What?"

"Just for a little bit and then Dylan will come back home." I ran my fingers through her hair and she scowled but sighed, defeated.

"You promise Dyl will be there when I wake up tomorrow?" Her grey eyes blinked and her lips pouted.

"I promise, baby." I whispered and she hugged my waist.

"Can we go to Rapture?" Lucas smiled again. "I want Jaiden to make me her famous Lucas-Sundae!"

I laughed and nodded. "Now go get changed and washed up."

I turned around to find Lauren standing behind me, her head tilted and a small smile playing on her lips.

"What?" I blushed and she just shook her head, laughing softly. "Lauren, what?" I smirked.

"You're a really good mom." She finally said and licked her lips. "I'm really happy Dylan was placed in your care, Camz."

"Me too." I agreed and I had to thank my dad for that one after I cooled off from being angry at him and my sister. "So I think this calls for celebration," I stuffed my hands in my pockets, "why don't you take Dylan for a bit. Spend some time alone with her without anyone to pry."

A shocked look ran over her features. "Really?"

"Yes," I nodded and waved bye to a few parents that scooted their daughters out of the room, "Luc and I are going to Rapture for a bit and then I'm getting her home so she can bath before bed."

"Oh God Camz," Lauren breathed and held a hand up to her chest, "this means so much to me."

I love see you happy, Lo.

"But I need her back by nine, it's a school night." I scolded playfully and Lauren nodded her head.

"Nine's good."

"Mommy!" Dylan came running out of the change stall in her sweater and black pants. "Do you have to go now?"

"No," Lauren smiled and squeezed her daughter, "I'm going to take you out for a treat."

Dylan's eyes lit up and she clapped her hands.

Lucas came out of the other stall in her jeans and hoodie. "Ready mom?" She asked me, taking my hand into her own. God she was trying so hard to be happy for Dylan.

We were the last out of the arena and I grabbed Lucas and Dylan's hockey gear. "Have fun you two." I smiled at both brunettes.

"See you at home Lukey!" Dylan yelled across the parking lot, laughing as Lauren picked her up and spun her around a bit.

Both of us brunettes sighed as she got into the vehicle.

Our night was bound to be a little quiet without Dylan's insanely cute stories.

And a rather gorgeous brunette to check out.

"Rapture?" I asked her, squeezing her small cold hand in mine.

"Rapture." Lucas nodded and smiled as we pulled out of the parking lot.

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