So Many Questions, So Little Answers

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Lauren's PoV

I wasn't a fast food type of person; but it turned out Dylan was and she loved her Happy Meals at McDonalds. I used to take her at least once a week for breakfast but not really for dinner. I loved to cook and she loved my cooking.

But considering the occasion, it was an exception. "How are the nuggets?" I asked, sipping on a coffee, nibbling on the fries.

"Good." Dylan grinned and held out one for me. "Want one?"

I took a bite just to watch her eyes shine brightly. She loved to share. "Thank you," I smiled after chewing. "So how was school today?"

"Really good," she smiled and took a sip of her apple juice, "we learned new multiplications and I have a spelling bee next week. Mrs. Bechard said that I made it to the finals."

"Oh Dyl, that's awesome." I grinned and she beamed even brighter. "I'm so proud of you."

"Lucas and I played at recess," she changed the subject and wiped her mouth politely after dripping sauce into the table, "Mom?"

"Hmm?" I leaned forward, completely focused on her worried look.

"When do I get to live with you?" Her small frown turned into more of a scared expression.

"Soon baby," I whispered, "just a couple more weeks."

She nodded, her curls bobbing around her head. "Mom?" She looked at me again.

"What?" I asked softly.

"I don't want to leave here." Dylan whispered, swallowing hard. "I like it here with Lucas and Camila. I don't want to leave them."

I stared at her for a few seconds before dropping the fry that was in my hand, on the tray. "Dylan," I bit my lip, "right now, we're not leaving them."

"Not ever." She scowled and for the first time I noticed that hurt rise inside her eyes. "They're family."

"I know." I had to agree. "They're perfect."

"Yeah." Dylan sighed and began to eat slowly again. "Mom?"

Yes, I missed my Dylan. Always asking questions but never getting upset if I didn't know the answers.

"Dyl?" I smiled and she giggled.

"I love you."

I moved to wrap her up in my arms. "I love you too."


Camila's PoV

"Believe me, you can stray if you feel alone but I'd rather be yours to drown in..." Lucas sang as sketched in her book while sitting in Rapture. "Why does Auntie Sofi write all the sad songs?" She lifted her head up and looked at me with curiosity.

"I don't know." I mumbled and continued to read an article in Sports Illustrated.

"Where is she?" She asked, closing her sketchbook. I could feel her eyes burning into me. "Why did she go back on tour anyway?"

"She loves her music." I sighed, not really wanting to get into it with my daughter about her Aunt Sofi.

"You're mad at her aren't you? Your ears are turning red." Lucas pointed out and I smirked.

"Why don't you finish your sundae so we can get home and into bed." I tapped the table and she huffed. "What Luc?" I sighed.

"You're mad, why?"

"I don't want to talk about it." I said firmly and placed the magazine I was reading aside. "Now's not the time."

Lucas stared at me with her grey eyes before she finally looked away, shrugging. "Can Dylan and I go to Jason's birthday party next weekend?"

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