Last Day of the Year

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Camila's PoV

I pulled back, breathing heavily and hovering over Lauren's writhing body. I groaned when she drew her nails down my back, a string of useless words falling from her lips.

I withdrew my fingers from her and collapsed, laughing softly. "Good morning." I whispered, nuzzling her neck with my lips.

Lauren nodded and moaned when I adjusted myself more comfortably between her legs. "Good indeed," she finally whispered back. I closed my eyes briefly when she tucked strands of hair behind my ear. "What a way to wake up on the last day of the year." She giggled.

"I agree." I sighed with a cheeky grin and kissed her again.

"Unfortunately we can't stay in bed all day." Lauren moaned lightly when she stretched her muscles. "But know that I'd love too." Her black desired eyes blinked back lazily at me.

"So? Nana and Grandpa wouldn't mind spending time with their granddaughters..." I let the sentence hang and she just laughed at me. "What?" I pouted.

"Camila Cabello," she poked me in the sides with her slender fingers, "are you trying to propose we lock ourselves in here all day and proceed to have mind blowing year-end sex?"

I sat up and straddled her, looking quite seriously at her. "Why yes, yes, that is exactly what I'm proposing."


Lauren sat up, her arms immediately wrapping around my bare waist, her lips moving slowly over my collarbone and up my neck. "I'd love that," she purred in my ear and tugged on the lobe with her teeth, earning a moan from me, "but we can't."

"Looo," I whined dramatically and pushed her back down onto the bed, my hair curtaining us, "please? I'll make it worth your while."


"You always do." Lauren whispered huskily and wrapped her hands into my hair, pulling me down in a forceful kiss.

And sink into her.

I wasted no time allowing my fingers to trail back down the same path they had a few minutes prior. Lauren panted, her legs falling apart just as easily.


"MOM!" Lucas' voice could be heard in the hallway.

"Fuck." Lauren cursed in frustration and threw a pillow over her heated flushed face.

"I guess mind blowing year-end sex will have to wait." I whispered against her lips, moving away from her.

"MOMMA!" Dylan's voice was now coming closer and soon hands were pounding on the bedroom door.

"I'm gonna go tie them up in a closet." Lauren pushed herself up off the bed, running her fingers through some sexy JBF hair. She was sexy as hell when she was horny and frustrated. "This is your fault."

I gasped and threw her some clothes to put on. "How is this my fault?"

"You had to be all sexy with your pouting and whining and year-end sex sounded really good." Her eyes sparkled and she laughed a little. "Wow, I'm turning into you."

"Hey!" I smacked her on the arm lightly and kissed her cheek. "You should be so lucky."

"Are you two up or what?!" Lucas sighed and I heard soft giggles come through the door.

As soon as I opened the bedroom door once Lauren was fully dressed, Lucas and Dylan came tumbling in and onto the floor. "That's what you get for eavesdropping." I raised a playful eyebrow and helped them up.

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