Why So Awkward?

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Lauren's PoV

I don't know what had come over me when we first arrived at Camila's parents' house. I was overwhelmed by the welcome and then Camila stood there looking so kind and thoughtful. Then she turned into a delicious dessert I wanted to eat up and I couldn't control it.

That house had some sort of aphrodisiac in it I swear because there was not a single memory I had without some sexiness going on.

I couldn't wait until the day was over and don't get me wrong, I was enjoying catching up with my favourite older Cabellos and even spending time with Alex. I didn't know him really though, we met once when I first came to Midtown and then a second time when Camila and I graduated.

Both times I was focused on his hot middle sister.

At that moment though, with him sitting at the bar and smiling at me while he told me a bit about himself, I wanted to get to know him.

He'd be a brother-in-law after all.

"So you composed and wrote for Sofi's first two albums?" Alex smiled at me and took a sip of his beer, "that's cool. I think I was the only one who didn't end up with the musical gene."

"You should see Lucas rock out on the piano." I smirked and he just shook his head laughing. "And yes, Sofi and I were a team in the early stages of her career."

"I know she thought the world of you." Alex grinned softly and shrugged. "Both of them did."

"Well the feeling was mutual." I replied softly, my eyes landing on Camila, who was at the table with Sofi and her father talking.

"It's a shame we never got to know each other before," he sighed, "I have a feeling we would've been great friends."

"It's not too late." I raised an eyebrow. "Face it Alex, I'm going to be around for a long time." I smiled and he laughed, nodding his head.

"Alex!" Sinu came from the kitchen shortly after the phone rang. "It's Sarah."

Alex's eyes widened and he quickly excused himself, leaving Sinu taking his place on his seat.

"I hope that bitch has some good news." She muttered to herself, looking back towards the kitchen where Alex's voice was muffled. "She's keeping Alex's daughter away from him."

"What?" I frowned. "Why?"

"No reason, she's just a cunt." Sinu spat hatefully and it made me more grateful than ever to have the Cabello family forgive me for the stupid acts I've pulled in the past.

Alex came running into the room with the phone clutched his chest, a big teary smile on his face. "Sarah's letting me keep Hannah for the week!"

Sofi was the first to get up and hug her big brother, laughing and sharing happy tears. Camila followed and soon the siblings were all tangled together on the floor. You would think they were teenagers and not on the verge of turning thirty or older – but it was really good to see because so far the only tears that were being spilled since being in Midtown, were happy ones.


Sofi's PoV

Since Alex had more than exciting good news, the coffee that Lauren, Camila and I were supposed to go on was cancelled until tomorrow. We all went out for dinner instead and then Lucas and Dylan were put to bed before the adults gathered around the table to talk some more.

It was hard to do when you had my older sister giving Lauren eye-sex across the table. Even my mom knew they were undressing each other with their eyes and so she excused them and like teenagers, they went giggling up into Camila's old room, holding hands.

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