Must Be

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Lauren's PoV

I woke up to muffled laughter and a warm body next to mine. I blinked when I realized I had three pairs of eyes looking at me.

"She's awake." Dylan whispered as if I couldn't hear or see her.

"Time to wake up sleepy head." Lucas smiled and sat on my legs, her grey eyes sparkling. "It's Christmas morning!"

I grinned and stretched, sitting up and ruffling both the girls' hair. I smiled at Camila and pulled her in for a short kiss. "Why didn't you brats wake me up earlier?"

"Because you were probably up late with mom and didn't want to be bothered." Lucas blinked her innocent eyes before squealing and Camila pushed her off my legs and tickled her.

"She has that Cabello wit." I mused and grinned. The girls screamed happily and made a bee-line towards the door, downstairs.

"Sleep well?" Camila smiled and ran a hand through my hair, her fingers grazing down my shoulder.

"I did." I smiled and swung my legs over the bed, only to find a new pair of slippers at my feet with a bow on them.

Camila laughed. "The girls picked them out. I have no control over what they wanted to get their Momma for Christmas." She shrugged innocently.


Their Momma.

"Sometimes I have to pinch myself to know this is real." I whispered. "Being here with you, starting a family... it just seems like it's all happening so fast. Too fast."

"Yet it took us twelve years and two kids to get here." Camila reminded me in a soft scolding tone. "Are you happy?" She bit her lip, her hands painting patterns on the palms of my hands.

"More than you'll ever know." I leaned in to kiss her.

"Hurry up!!!" We heard the girls yell from downstairs.

"Feisty ones aren't they?" Camila snickered and helped me stand. "You go have a shower, I'll start on breakfast and then we can get the presents out of the way before company starts knocking."

My girl was quite the hostess. She loved company and entertaining them. "I'll be down in fifteen."

"Don't go dressing all fancy." She looked at her own yoga pants and baggy sweater. "This is our Christmas morning attire."

"And yet you make that look so hot." I whispered, grabbing her by the waist and kissing her softly. "Now go make me some food woman."

Camila slapped my ass and took off downstairs.


About a dozen or so presents later, I found myself being a real life model for Lucas' next sketch with the brand new set of the best charcoal pencils, erasers and sketch paper I had bought her for Christmas.

I was raking in those cool 'step-mom' points, let me tell you.

"Don't move, Lauren." Lucas used her stern 'Cabello' voice and I shut my mouth closed.

Talking wasn't even an option and if she had it her way, neither would be breathing.

Normani came around the corner and made a funny face, successfully getting me whacked lightly on the leg with Lucas' pencil for laughing.

"Normani, stop making her laugh or I'll tell Mom." The young Cabello pouted.

"Normani, behave." Camila slapped her upside the head and I chuckled.

"Ugh, how can I work under these conditions?" Lucas threw her hands up in the air and ripped her paper up and throwing it behind her. She got up off her stool and made her way towards me, cupping my face and tilting my head a bit. Her fingers tucked some hair around my ears and she smiled, her grey eyes lighting up. "I can see why Mom loves you so much."

"Ditto baby." I whispered, causing her to blush.

I managed to stay completely still throughout her rough draft and let me tell you, Lucas made me beautiful. "I just need to add some colours now," she shrugged as if it were no big deal.

"That is awesome, Luc." I admired it and tucked my feet under my knees.

"You can have it once it's finished." Luc smiled and got up, running to her room to grab her other art supplies.

"I heard Camila's taking you back to Midtown." Normani sipped her hot chocolate and eyed me up with a grin. "Are you excited?"

"Nervous." I shrugged. "I haven't been back since..."

I never finished the sentence but she knew.

"Well this is like a fresh start," she smiled softly and patted my leg, "you can see your family, meet your new cousins – be that Lauren Jauregui that we all loved."

"You never even liked me." I laughed and Normani grinned.

"Well you were macking on the girl of my dreams," she shrugged, "but somehow even if I did get to Camila first, the moment that girl would've laid eyes on you..." she paused and scratched her chin, "yea, I would still be sitting here today as the Aunt Normani and not the Mom."

"You liked Camila?" Dylan turned around from her seat on the floor while colouring.

"A long time ago." Normani ruffled Dylan's curls. "She's my sister now."

I smirked.

A sister she'd still sleep with if given the chance – not that I blamed her.

"Normani! Dylan!" Camila's voice rang through the kitchen and both of them hopped up as if they were in trouble and ran towards my lovely blonde.

"I have the colours I need!" Lucas came bouncing into the living room and dropped onto her knees in front of the coffee table, spreading out a rainbow of her utensils. "So can I ask you a question?" She looked at me with a soft expression.

"You can ask me anything." I nodded and sat forward, listening to what she had to ask.

"Why did you want me to teach you how to skate?" Her grey eyes shimmered with delight.

I smiled and laughed nervously. "Well," I cleared my throat, "I have an idea and frankly it's making me very nervous. I'd tell you but I haven't figured it all out yet."

"Oh," Lucas frowned and then grinned, "but when you do figure it out, will you tell me?"

"You'll be only one that knows." I winked and tucked a blonde strand of hair behind her ear. "And I have to say, you are becoming a master at the piano." I had Lucas come with me to my music classes after school to learn the instrument. She was a very quick learner.

"I've got the skills," Lucas shrugged and puffed out her chest while blowing on her nails.

"Yea, it must be that damn Cabello blood." I winked.

"Must be." She agreed.

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