A Suite Night

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Dylan's PoV

The bed bounced and I frowned, upset that someone was interrupting the nice ice cream and hockey dream I was having. "Dylan..." I heard my name and jerked awake.

"Lukey?" I rubbed my eyes and sat up in bed, she was dressed in her pajamas and crawled underneath the covers with me. "What time is it?"

"Almost seven in the morning." She whispered and propped herself up on her elbow. "Guess what?" Lucas grinned and I looked at her expectantly. "Mom and Momma are getting married!"

That woke me up.

"Shut up!" I squealed. "Momma asked her then?"

Lucas nodded. "The plan worked Dylly, we're going to be a real family!"

"Oh Lucas!" I jumped up on the bed and laughed because I was very happy. I knew what my sister and mommy were planning for mom, but to know that it went well was overwhelming and exciting all at the same time.

"What is going on in here?" Nana came into the bedroom, her hair messy and she was yawning like crazy. "You two are going to wake up the whole house."

"Do you have a hangover Nana?" Lucas teased.

Nana nodded and crawled onto the small bed, her head hitting my pillow. "Nana, guess what?" I bent over and whispered in her ear.

"Mmm." She mumbled, her eyes closed.

"Our parents are getting married."

"What?!" Nana sat up, clutching at her head, swearing quietly. "No way, not again! I will not have them keep this a secret from us again." She got up and left the room, shutting the door behind her.

"I don't think we were supposed to say anything," Lucas winced but smirked, "ah well, why hide such great news?"


Lauren's PoV

"What are you thinking?" Camila whispered softly in my ear, her light breath washing over my cooling skin. I found myself pressed against a soft mattress and her body hovered over mine. Her chocolate eyes twinkling non-stop since midnight.

"Mmm," I hummed softly, trailing my fingertips against her smooth back. I took silent pleasure in knowing that I could still cause those goosebumps to rise against her skin. "I'm thinking about how unbelievably happy I am right now."

Camila smiled softly, her thumb stroking my cheek before her lips dropped down to mine in a slow kiss.

It was hard to believe that I was there, in Camila's arms, and starting a life all over again. I could say that even if we never found each other again, I'd still find some sort of happiness with Dylan but I wouldn't be complete.

But I had it all at that moment. I had a job I absolutely loved, two extremely beautiful daughters and one gorgeous fiancée. I had a family outside who accepted me back in their lives and friendships that were getting more solid by the day.

I was one lucky son of a bitch.

I would work hard every day to keep things healthy and strong in every relationship I had worked hard to build – especially Camila's.

I was going to marry this woman. I was going to watch her walk down that aisle with a dress fitted to her sexy body and make her so happy.

I was determined.

"You're thinking." Camila giggled against my lips before pulling back. "Am I boring you?"

"No!" I gasped and clutched at her naked hips. "I was just thinking about you in a wedding dress..."

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