The Kiss That Never Ended

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Lauren's PoV

Her kisses were so gentle at first. Her lips barely had pressure in them as they pressed against mine, her body not making an effort to push me away. I leaned into her and wound my fingers in her long golden locks.

I've missed her so much.

The soft moan that escaped her sounded like heaven. I soon found myself against the counter and her mouth assaulting mine even deeper. Her velvety tongue slid so slowly with mine for the first time in over a decade. I felt my knees buckle beneath me but luckily, Camila being the strong woman that she was, held me up with her arms and body. I breathed her name and clutched at her hips, pulling her tighter against me.

The kiss never ended there. It felt like it was just getting started.

My coat fell to my feet and I felt a warm pair of hands slide under the bottom of my shirt, her short nails raking against my skin.

"Camila," I broke the heavy kiss and took in her swollen lips and rosy cheeks. She blinked slowly and licked her bottom lip before tucking it in between her teeth, staring at me. "Are you okay?"

I had to ask her because knowing us, things were about to get heated up quickly.

Camila only nodded her head, trapping my body tighter against hers and the counter, her lips moving against my neck. "Are you?" She whispered huskily and drew an earlobe into her mouth, her warm tongue flicking before teeth tugged.

"Oh yes." I whimpered and cupped her face, bringing her lips back to mine.

Words weren't really needed at that point.

What was about to happen was inevitable. It was bound to happen because despite the mistakes I had made in the past, Camila and I were meant to be. We were meant to be more than everything we ever were.

Hands eagerly tugged at the bottom of my navy blue sweater. I moaned as I felt her mouth moving along my collarbone, her tongue dipping in all the right curves of my neck. I thread my fingers through her hair, holding her against me as she nips and licks little by little.

Pulling back, Camila ripped her own shirt off and then immediately fused her mouth to mine again, both of us moaning at the contact of our bare stomachs touching for the first time in years as well.

"Not here." I barely whispered, not wanting to break away from any physical contact. I didn't want to stop kissing her.

I couldn't stop kissing her.

"Where?" She whispered back, her breathing a lot heavier than before. Her lips were nuzzling behind my ear as her fingers tickled up and down my back.

I didn't know where. I just knew that the very first time Camila and I had decided to have sex, it was in the locker room of the community arena.

Good times.

But I wanted it to be more meaningful that time around. I wanted to have her.

All of her.

And not against an uncomfortable counter.

I felt my feet moving backwards and Camila's lips back on my neck. I moved with her, trusting her to not let me fall. My foot hit a step and I fell backwards anyway. It didn't matter, Camila was in my lap within seconds, kissing me again. My bra was the next thing to go, her lips finding my heaving chest.

"You're so fucking sexy." Her words rumbled thickly through her throat as she sat back and eyed my torso up hungrily.

"Camila." I licked my lips and panted as she cupped my breasts, her dark chocolate brown eyes staring back at me. "Not here."

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