Poisoned Name

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Camila's PoV

I just finished putting Dylan to bed after she fell asleep on the couch during our movie time. Lucas wanted to go with Jaiden and Jyll for a quick hot chocolate run and the small brunette wanted to stay in with me.

I heard the front door open and Jaiden took Lucas' coat from her. "Hey, you two are back early," I went to pull off my daughter's scarf when she ripped it off herself, threw it to the floor and ran up the stairs, slamming her bedroom door. "What the hell was that all about?"

Jaiden raised an eyebrow and took of her hat. "We bumped into that brunette from the rink..."

I went temporarily numb.

Kenora was a small town but it wasn't that small.

"Oh fuck me sideways." I mumbled and I caught Jaiden's smirk. "Do you ever turn your hormones off?"

"Nah, I haven't been able to find the off switch and don't plan on doing so any time soon." Jaiden smiled and shrugged, sitting on the sofa and looking at me as I paced the floor. "So Lauren," she finally said after a few minutes of silence, "she uh, looks so much different in real life then in pictures. Maybe because it's like, a decade or so later..."

I stopped and looked at her.

"Lucas says she's the girl from your photo album. She's convinced that she's Dylan's mom." The brunette teenager shrugged and gave me a sympathetic look. "She's pretty upset."

I sighed deeply and chewed on my bottom lip before glancing back up at the winding staircase. "I should go talk to her."

Jaiden slapped her knees as she stood up. "I told my parents I'd be home early anyway, plus I have homework," she pulled her hat on and patted my hand that was resting against the back of the couch, "it'll be okay. I'll see you in the morning for practice Coach."

"Better get that homework done." I warned her lightly with a smile and she blew me a kiss while exiting the house.

I turned off the TV and shut off all the lights before making my way to Lucas' room. I knocked on the door but there was no reply. "Luc, honey, can I come in?"

"Go. Away." Came the reply and I clutched the doorknob in my hand tightly, closing my eyes.

"Lucas, please?" I said as I turned the doorknob and pushed the door open slightly. I poked my head in to find her chin resting against her windowsill, staring out towards the lake that was in front of our house. I pushed the door closed behind me and made my way towards her, climbing on her bed and resting my chin against the same piece of wood. "Soon we'll be able to make the rink out in front of the dock." I whispered.

Lucas shrugged her shoulders and sniffled. "She's here, isn't she?"

Broken whispers from a broken Lucas one of the most heartbreaking sounds I'd ever hear.

"Baby," I turned to face her, resting my cheek against my hand, "I was going to tell you after movie night, I promise."

"She can't have her." Lucas growled in a protective tone. "She can't have Dylan!"

"Luc, sweetie..." I reached out to hold her and she pushed me away.

"No mom, she's not allowed. You can't let her!"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "It's not really up to me, Lucas."

"Lauren." Lucas spit the name out as if it were poison. "It's her. Your friend from school, isn't it?"

I told you she was smarter than smart. She could piece puzzles together quicker than Normani, Ryn and I put together.

I could only nod and she jumped off her bed. "You tell your friend that she isn't allowed to take my sister away from me."

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