Moody Cabello Needs Some Thing

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Camila's PoV

"Pick it up Wynters!" I screamed as she lost the puck for the fifth time in the first ten minutes of the third period. I sighed and leaned against the boards, watching my team fumble a bit.

That was not how I trained them and it was frustrating me.

Maybe it was just me.

I was upset with how I was feeling with the whole Lauren and Dylan deal.

The fact that Lauren had a job waiting for her was another thing that spun me for a loop. Don't get me wrong, I was proud that she made an effort and she had a pretty good job at that. One I know she'd be great at.

But it still meant she was leaving.

With Dylan.

Leaving Kenora.

Leaving me.

The referee blew the whistle and it snapped me out of my thoughts. "Penalty on number eleven!" He hollered and watched as Jaiden shrugged, getting into the penalty box.

"Argh!" I threw my clipboard down. We were down by three and it irked me a little.

I usually allow these girls play for fun.


But I wasn't up to losing that night. Not with my mood.

I banged on the glass of the penalty box and she jumped, pulling up her long hair in a pony-tail. "What the hell?!"

"What, she hooked me, I shoved her and then I tripped her." Jaiden shrugged. "No big, we'll win Coach."

I didn't even bother to open my mouth. I just gave her my best pissed off look and continued to watch the game unfold.

"Calm down, Coach." I heard a voice come up beside me and I turned to find Normani standing there with an extra coffee for me. "You're on edge, chill a bit."

"Shut it Kordei." I hissed and took a sip of my coffee. I watched as one of my girls made their way down the rink and scored. "Yes!" I screamed. "See team, do more of that and make me happy."

"You need to get laid, Coach." Jaiden smirked and I raised an eyebrow at her, snapping my fingers and pointing to her seat.

She obeyed.

"Well you kinda do." Normani whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes.

"Not in the mood," I sighed and pushed her away.

"What, you thought I was offering myself to you?" She chuckled and I shoved the coffee back in her hand. It was my silent 'fuck off'. "Damn Cabello, what's up with you?"

"Nothing." I paced and screamed at Jaiden while she was let out of the box. "Get 'em, Wynters!"

"On it, Coach." She smirked and put her helmet back in place.

Oh yeah. Five minutes to go and we were up by one.

I knew I liked Jaiden for a reason.

And we won.

"Good game." I told my team and followed them to shake hands with the other team and coach.

Afterwards, I blew my whistle and the girls looked at me in the locker room. "Not done bitching?" Jaiden smiled innocently.

"Wynters," I scolded softly and she backed up, smiling a little. "I just want to apologize for my behaviour," I addressed the team, "it wasn't fair to you all and I'm sorry."

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