Wedding Countdown

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Camila's PoV

"Who the hell shops for dresses one day before their wedding?" Kyla huffed as she shuffled through the bridal shop furiously. "You do realize you're getting married tomorrow, right Camila? Tomorrow! You think you can find something you like that'll fit you perfectly without it needing any hemming done? Do you?"

I would've laughed in her face but was too flustered by watching her freak out that I couldn't laugh. Instead I grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her slightly. "Kyla, snap the fuck out of it, okay?" I smiled sweetly. "You and Lauren are just lucky that I'm getting into a dress." I made a face because I really didn't do dresses. But I promised Ashley I'd wear one and the fact that it'll make her happy, made me happy by default.

"Focus Camila. I told Lauren since January that we needed to have you fitted for a dress at least a month or two in advance. Would she listen? No. Fucking stubborn Jauregui blood. Ugh." Kyla threw her hands up in the air when I actually did start laughing out loud. "What? Why are you laughing?"

"Because I have a feeling this is the very last thing on Lauren's list to have done and I know you were the one helping her with all the secret planning so don't even try and deny it." I pointed an accusing finger at her and looked over another dress rack.

"This doesn't mean you should be rushing to fit into a dress, Camila!" The brunette rolled her eyes and huffed.

"It's just a dress. One I'll be wearing for one day and not another day more." I shrugged.

"Ugh. You're unbelievable." Kyla shook her head and when the chimes on the door of the shop echoed around, she smiled widely. "Normani! You made it!"

"Duh." Normani laughed and threw her arms around me, twirling me around. "Like I'd miss my girl trying on dresses all day while being miserable." She chuckled and put me down, eyeing me from top to bottom. "You sure you don't wanna take me for a spin before you're permanently hitched?"

"Keep on dreaming." I laughed and pulled her in for another hug. I hadn't seen her in months and I missed her. "I missed you." I whispered into her neck.

"I missed you too." She pulled back. "I can't believe you're actually getting married tomorrow. I mean, it already probably seems like you two are married seeing as you have three kids and all that."

"Camila doesn't even realize how huge this day is for her relationship with Lauren." My childhood best friend shook her head in disapproval.

"You know how I was before with huge weddings. I would've been happy for a small ceremony with close friends and relatives." I shrugged and eyed up a simple dress, my fingers trailing up the silky feel of it.

"What makes you think it's not a small ceremony?" Kyla stopped and stared at me with her hands on her hips.

I raised an eyebrow and then spun around the room with my arms open. "I wouldn't be in this fancy dress shop if it was something small. Tell me I'm wrong without lying." I dared her.

I was in complete darkness with my own wedding. I had put my trust in Lauren long ago so I wasn't too worried but that didn't quell the nerves drumming through me at the day looming over us.

"Kyla, don't you dare say a word." Normani hissed and smiled innocently at me, picking the dress off the hanger that I was eyeing.

I blinked. "You know what tomorrow brings?!" I practically shouted at Normani and she brushed it off like it was no big deal.

"Uh, yes...I'm in the wedding party." Normani bumped her hip with mine and winked. "Now let's find you a dress so we can get out of here."

"Are you my maid of honour?" I asked, genuinely curious. I wasn't lying when I said I was in complete darkness with my own wedding plans.

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