Just Say Yes

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Lauren's PoV

Chelsea smiled at Dylan as she gave her a hug. "It was very nice meeting you."

"You too." Dylan smiled shyly and held onto my hand tighter.

Chelsea stood up and brushed the snow off her knees before pulling me into a hug. "I knew you had it in you, Laur." She whispered and pulled back, her hands still on my face. "You're going to do a fine job."

I smiled and blushed. "You should come back and visit."

"I will, I'm sorry I'm going to miss Camila and Luc but I need to get going if I want to catch my flight out to Calgary for a meeting."

"I'll tell them you said bye." I offered politely and she nodded, pulling me in for another hug.

The hearing went really well earlier that afternoon and it didn't take long at all. Dylan was handed back to me without too many questions because of all the hearings and trials I went through previously.

Camila was at the court during the hearing and she gave me the brightest smile when I was granted custody of Dylan. She never hugged me until after we were out of the room, because it just seemed a little more professional.

Afterwards Camila had to go back to work and I called the school to let the Principal know that I was keeping Dylan out for the rest of the afternoon. Chelsea, Dylan and I spent it at Tim Horton's before she had to catch a bus to Winnipeg's international airport.

"Thank you," Dylan said softly, her brown eyes blinking up at Chelsea, "for helping my mom."

Chelsea gave a heart warming smile to Dylan and she nodded. "She's the best friend anyone could ask for."

Dylan just beamed and held my hand tighter in hers.

"I will call you when I get to Calgary." The darker woman nodded and held her bag close to her while the bus pulled up.

We hugged one last time and she was on the bus, finding her seat.

I was going to miss her. She helped me a lot since I left the Centre in Thunder Bay.

"Mommy?" Dylan tugged on the sleeve of my jacket and smiled as the bus pulled away. "Can we go see Camila now?"

I chuckled and scooped her up in a hug. She was a little small for her age, but she had muscles for a nine year old. I guessed playing hockey with Lucas helped her immensely. "Camila will be home with Luc in a bit, they're just getting some groceries." I dug into my coat pocket and grabbed my car keys. "How about in the mean time, we go and bug Jaiden at work?"

"Did you know that Lukey likes Jaiden?" Dylan giggled, climbing into the back of my mustang.

"I did," I nodded with a smile and started up the engine, "but how about we not bug her about it, kay?"

"Okay." I watched Dylan snap her seatbelt on and look out her window. "Did you know Camila likes you?"

A slow smiled appeared on my face and I bit my lip. "I know."

"Do you like her?"

"I do." I nodded slowly, making my way down the street towards the center of town.

"So because Luc is my sister, that makes Camila my other mom, right?" I watched her green eyes catch mine in the review mirror. I smiled and she sighed with relief. "I call her mom already, is that okay?"

I blinked at the blunt confession but somehow it didn't bother me. If it were any other woman other than Camila, I may have felt hurt, but it made me dance a little inside.

"Well not to her face." She blushed with a slight giggle.

"Camila's a wonderful person," I stopped at a red light and squeezed the wheel in my hand, "I'm sure she'd be tickled pink if she heard you call her that."

"Really?" Dylan smiled.

"Really." I nodded and hit the gas when the light turned green.

It wasn't long before we were pulled up into the front of 'Rapture'. Dylan hopped out quickly and slipped her small gloved hand into mine. "Can I have hot chocolate with whipped cream?"

"Of course baby," I smiled and she grinned, running to our regular booth.

"Well if it isn't the little rock star." Jaiden came out from behind the counter and helped Dylan out of her coat. "And the hot Momma."

"Hey Jai," I laughed and gave her a smile.

"Where's your other halves?" Jaiden peered around my shoulder and frowned when there were no two brunettes following us.

"Shopping for food." My daughter shrugged and opened the dessert menu, hungrily eyeing up the cheesecake.

"Dyl," I leaned over the table, "how about we have dinner first, before we eye up the sweets."

She frowned and pouted. "But Camila..."

"Dylan..." I warned lightly and she tilted her head, blushing a little.

"Sorry mom."

"You can have dessert after dinner, okay?" I patted her hand and she nodded, licking her lips.

"Am I taking the girls to the movies?" Jaiden asked me, wiping her hands on a towel, her blue eyes shining.

"Well," I slid into the booth and looked around the empty café, "I can't say anything for Lucas, but Dyl, if you want to go, you can."

"Yay!" Dylan clapped and beamed. "Camila's gonna let Lukey come if I can go."

It was true.

The chimes on the door went off and a smaller brunette came running in and crushing Dylan in a hug. "I missed you at school!" Lucas cried and pouted.

"Hey." Camila smiled at me and bit her lip, sliding next to me carrying a gentle look. "Fancy seeing you here."

"We got hungry." I patted my skinny stomach and she rolled her eyes, poking it.

"Ya, you need to eat more." Camila chuckled and shrugged out of her coat, taking off her beanie cap. "But we bought food so we could eat in more."

"So..." I raised an eyebrow, "why are you here?"

"We saw your awesome car parked out front." Lucas jumped in, smiling a thousand watt smile that matched her mother's.

"Lucas insisted we stop." Camila sighed with a smirk. "Did you two order yet?"

"Nope!" Dylan shook her head, her curls flying about. "But I sure am hungry."

"Me too." Lucas looked at Camila, then at me.

"Hey Camila," Jaiden cleared her throat and glanced at the older blonde, "Lauren said it's okay to take Dyl to the movies tonight, you mind if Luc joins us?"

Lucas' grey eyes grew wide as she looked at her mom. "Please?" She whispered adorably.

"Sure." Camila grinned and nodded towards Jaiden. "Did you want me to pick them up afterwards or..."

"I'll bring them home," Jaiden wiped off the table for the third time and threw a wink towards Lucas.

Lucas and Dylan clapped happily and followed Jaiden towards the back, but not before Camila yelled 'no cheesecake.'

"So," Camila glanced at me and licked her lips, "are you free tonight?"

I ducked my head down and smiled. "I'm always free for you."

"Who said I was asking you out?" She smirked. Camila was just so beautiful, even when she was trying to tease me.

I feigned hurt and looked away.

"Lo," she breathed with a slow smile and I caught her gaze, "I would love it if you joined me for the evening."

"I'd love too." I couldn't help but chuckle a little at the way she blushed.

"Good," she reached over and grabbed my hand, "I can't wait."

"Me neither."

I wonder what time Jaiden was taking the girls to the movie?

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