In Need Of A Cool Off

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Lauren's PoV

Austin had been really great with me and Dylan. His daughter Cailyn idolized Dylan and followed her around like a lost puppy. We found it adorable and my daughter didn't seem to mind. She was so afraid that Anton and Cailyn wouldn't like her but it was quite the opposite.

Anton was impressed with his cousins' hockey skills. He played for fun with his friends but never joined a team. I heard that Lucas always managed to beat him on a game of one on one so when Dylan joined in the game, he was pretty much defeated.

"Can you imagine what it would've been like if they all grew up together?" Camila sat down beside me on the couch as we watched Dylan, Hannah and Cailyn colour while Lucas and Anton played a game on his game system.

"God, it'd be like our group all over again." Kyla snorted from her side of the couch. "Of course with less drama because they're all related."

Austin chuckled. "Yea, that is true."

"Not that it stopped drama the first time." Camila raised an eyebrow between me and Austin.

"Hey, it was your fault." I scowled and looked over at Austin for support.

"It was not!" Camila looked shocked when Austin agreed with me. "How was it my fault?"

"You're hot?" Austin raised an eyebrow and was smacked in the stomach by Kyla. "I meant you were hot?"

"Oh if you wanna put the blame on how I look, go after my parents." Camila nodded firmly and laced her fingers through mine. "Right baby?"

I just smiled back and kissed her cheek. "So, do you mind if I steal Lucas away for a bit later?"

Lucas heard her name and instantly paused the game while scrambling over to the couch. I placed my hand on her shoulder and squeezed it, sharing a small knowing smile.

"Yea mom, please?" Lucas pouted and I noticed a look of curiousity spread over Camila's face. "She promised me that she'd take me out to eat, just the two of us and then we ended up here instead, so please?"

Camila chewed on her bottom lip and smirked. "I don't know why you have to ask to take your own daughter out somewhere."

"Awww!" Kyla and Austin sighed and clutched their hearts.

Lucas just beamed and stood up, throwing a pillow at the back of Anton's head. "Sorry loser, I'm going out with Momma for a bit, I'll kick your butt later."

Anton snorted and reset the game. "Whatever Cabello, I'll kick your butt one of these days."

My heart swelled over the 'Momma' part and Camila pulled me in for a kiss.

"Will we be expecting you back for dinner?"

"Definitely." I nodded and was being pulled up by a hyper eleven year old.

"Can I come?" Dylan stopped colouring and stood up to grab Lucas' hand. "Please?"

Lucas and I shared a look before the miniature Camila nodded and whispered something in Dylan's ear. I watched Dylan's eyes go wide and she pinky promised her sister the silent agreement and ran towards the door to grab her coat and boots.

"So everyone gets to go but me?" Camila came up behind me and nuzzled my neck, placing a soft kiss there.

I smiled and turned around, gently cupping her cheeks and kissing her lightly. "The girls and I need some time to get to know each other without the head Cabello wanting to hog the limelight."

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