It Takes Time

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Lauren's PoV

"Jackson, could you please stop speaking while I am?" I raised an eyebrow at the young skater student and sat at the edge of the desk. "Look, I know it sucks that you have to still learn things when your teacher is away, but just because I'm the substitute, doesn't mean I'll take any crap."

"I don't have a problem learning Miss J," Jeff smirked and sat back in his seat, his eyes raking up and down me, "you can teach anything you want too. You definitely have my attention."

"Fuck off you pervert." Jaiden snapped her head in Jeff's direction and flipped him the bird.

"Jaiden, language please?" I sighed but smirked a little. Lucas had given her the 'look out for my Momma' speech long ago. "As for you Jeff, I'd appreciate it if you keep your eyes above my chest area or I'll be sending you to the office."

Jaiden smirked.

Jeff slumped in his seat, his eyes dropping down to his notebook.

"Who wants to come up and read their poem?" I looked around the class for any volunteers.

Mrs. George was out sick and since it was my free period, I was asked to teach the class. I was given simple instructions for the students to read their poems and analyze a few from their texts.

Knowing how I was back in high school, no teacher meant slacking off so I wasn't getting the attention, then again I didn't expect it.

"I'll go." Jaiden shrugged and stood up, making her way towards me and sat on top of my desk, popping her gum. "Okay so, I just kind of scribbled this down but Mrs. George wanted us to write something unique yet honest. It's called 'Soul Elements'."

"Okay, whenever you're ready." I stayed where I was and had my eyes on the rest of the students in the class.

"Black leaves are turning yet again

I wonder how long this feeling will last,

Red raindrops fall from her pain

Lining up a path, the way breaking so fast

Blue lightening strikes with force

Killing the energy from within,

Letting the current run its course

Driving her sanity into oblivion

She cannot see her way no more,

She cannot speak of how she feels,

The elements have taken over her soul

And to her alone she'll only be real"

Jaiden stopped and looked around the quiet classroom and then to me. She shrugged when I frowned slightly and made her way back to her seat.

"Thank you Jaiden, that was very deep." I smiled and clapped my hands together. I was supposed to question their subject on the poems but sometimes art screamed 'privacy needed'. Lucas taught me that one.

"She's probably gonna emo herself in the washroom during lunch." Jeff laughed.

Jaiden's lips twitched but she kept her eyes focused on her hands.

"Jeff, office. Now." I pointed towards the door.

"What?! Why?" He argued.

"Now." I stood up straight. "You wanna mouth off with things that don't concern you, go do it in the office. I'll not tolerate that kind of behaviour in my classroom, or any other for the matter."

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