Pieces To Be Complete

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Lauren's PoV

I stared at the address that was in my hands. I blinked when Chelsea nudged me as she turned down an unfamiliar road. "Never been this way?" She asked.

"Uh," I looked around the small 'town' and shook my head, "no."

"Keewatin," she let the town name roll off her tongue and shrugged, turning down another street before she approached a large white bridge, "Apparently Kenora is named after three different communities that surrounded this place."

I raised an eyebrow. She was trying to ease the tension because we were on our way towards Camila's. The sun had already set and it was only passed five.

And it was cold.

"Humour me." I replied with a soft laugh because I wanted the distraction.

"The K-E, in Kenora, stands for Keewatin," Chelsea slowed down at the end of the bridge when a train was approaching us. She took the opportunity to look at me. "N-O, stands for Norman; which is the small neighbourhood area we passed through to get here," she smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. "R-A, stands for Rat Portage, which is a First Nation Reservation that borders with the city. Actually, Kenora originally was called Rat Portage before they changed it."

"Have you been studying this place?" I asked in slight amusement.

"Gotta love 'wikipedia'." Chelsea shrugged. "Besides, you should know a little history about the town you wanted to move to years ago."

"All the history that was needed," I sighed, "was stored away for protection."

"I know this must be weird for you," Chelsea turned down a dirt road and as soon as we hit the top of the hill, I noticed an open view of 'Winnipeg River'. It was beautiful to see the lights and cabins lights lit up from across the lake. "The things that bind two people together are really something."

"What do you mean?" I turned to look at her and she just smiled a little. "Chels."

"You said it yourself last night," she nudged me, "this is fate. Maybe Dylan was supposed to end up-" she stopped mid-sentence as she turned down the right drive way. A large log-cabin like house was before us with a wraparound porch, "-here. Shit Lauren, this place is nice."

I slowly stepped out of the car when it stopped and shut my door. I took in the lights the lit up the pathway towards the door and how shoveled the snow was. A black Chevy Blazer was parked by the small garage. A hockey net was placed in the large open yard area where I could tell there were fresh footprints in the snow. As soon as I stepped up on the porch, I looked ahead and saw a worn out path go towards a dock where a boat was pulled up and covered by a tarp.

"I think Dylan really was in good hands." Chelsea squeezed my shoulder and turned me to face her. "Are you ready?"

I shook my head no.

God, this was all so much.

"Lauren?" She frowned and I shook my head again before taking off and letting out what little contents were in my stomach, by the garage door. "Oh Lauren, are you okay?" Chelsea rubbed my back and I nodded.

"Yea," I laughed a little nervously and grabbed water from my car, rinsing my mouth out before replacing it with a piece of gum. "I just needed to get that out of my system."

Chelsea laughed. "Come on girl, your daughter is behind the walls of that house probably just as nervous as you are."

I couldn't help but smile. "Aren't you coming?" I asked when Chelsea started to walk towards the car. My car.

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