All I Ever Needed Was You

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Lauren's PoV

"What possessed you to do this?" Austin huffed, unloading the back of his truck with my favourite piece of cargo.

"Lucas." I shrugged and she squawked.

"So not fair! Plus you know this is the best idea ever!" The smaller brunette adjusted her beanie cap and took another sip of her hot chocolate.

"You know my sister's gonna chew you out," Alex manoeuvred himself so he could help Austin unload the 'cargo'. "You're leaving her alone with adults on New Years Eve."

"Relax, this will more than make up for it." Austin groaned when the heavy item was placed down on the snowy ground. "Gotta say, I think I missed out on that whole 'romantic' Jauregui gene."

"Whatever," I smiled softly, "didn't you surprise Kyla with a trip to Maui?"

"True." His cocky manly smirk was back in place. "But I didn't do anything like this, Laur."

"Nah, I can't take the credit for this part." I smiled and nudged Lucas. "She was the brains behind the more technical operation."

"Just like her mom." Alex winked.

"Take a break guys, I have to figure out the lighting." I rubbed my hands together, the cold finally breaking through my excited yet nervous exterior. "Do you think I'm going overboard with the candles?" I asked Lucas, as she stared out towards the destination place where I'd make my move.

"Overboard with candles? You've been in our house right? Mom has candles everywhere. She gets in a bad mood when her little ones in the bathrooms run out of wick to burn." She grey eyes rolled slightly, but smirked.

"Oh God the time isn't slowing down." I whispered, noticing that I had less than an hour to set up the ice candles before sundown. "Here, go play with fire but no burning yourself." I tossed Lucas a lighter and sent her off to light the candles.

"Are you ready?" Austin teased and threw his bulky arm around me. "Relax a little will you?"

"Yeah," Alex cracked his neck before grabbing the other side of the heavy item, "you know her answer already. Has she said no before?"

It took longer than I expected but over an hour and a half later, everything was set up perfectly. Lucas was in the truck warming up while I threw a blanket over the large item and then taking a picture with my camera. I just wanted everything to be perfect.

"So what are you going to tell Camila when we get back?" Alex asked, watching the road as he drove.

"They were out of ice cream?" I raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "I'll tell her the truth. We went for a ride."

"That's half the truth." Lucas pointed out. "But she'll buy it and leave it at that."

"You know your mother pretty well, don't you?" I teased the brunette and she just smiled.

"I know that she's going to say yes." Lucas shrugged. "She loves you Momma, she doesn't ever want to let you go."

"Good," I wrapped an arm around her and she snuggled into me, "because I kinda don't want to let her go again either."

"What happened between you two anyway?" Alex asked, his gaze drifting towards Austin, who was telling him to shut up

"It's okay Aus," I patted his shoulder from where he was sitting; on the passenger side. "I was scared and ran away."

"What were you scared of?" Lucas asked quietly.

"Not being enough for your mom. Maybe screwing it up or not being able to handle the distance between us when she went away for school." I said somewhat guiltily.

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