All That I'm Living For

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Camila's PoV

The tree was perfectly set up in the center of the large picture window. I couldn't wait until Lauren arrived with the girls after picking them up from Lucas' art program. I had the day off and was told to stay home and do absolutely nothing.

So I went out and got myself the best tree I could find. I would've loved to have Lauren and the girls come with me but I was way too excited.

Besides, the surprise on their faces will be worth it all anyway.

The stars were already showing themselves and it was just after five that afternoon.

Christmas was in the air.

Christmas and surprises.

I had a huge surprise for Lauren and I could hardly contain myself in keeping it in.

I think I may have to give her one of her many Christmas gifts early.

The stove timer went off and I rushed in the kitchen to pull out my own homemade short bread cookies. I loved making the house smell good during winter but especially at Christmas.

It made me miss home and my parents.

And I guess my siblings.

I frowned and bit my lip, pressing the blinking button on the answering machine that had been on there for almost a week.

"Hey Camila, it's me. I just wanted to see how you and all your ladies were doing. I know I'm probably the last person you want to hear from but I wanted you to know that I miss my big sister. I don't want to say too much over this machine but yea, I love you Mila. Give Lauren and the girls a kiss for me. Talk to you soon."

I had to admit I missed her. She may have gone about everything the wrong way, but she still had good attentions. I mean, it all validated fine for her and regardless, she in a way brought Lauren back to me.

I was still very confused as to what to feel but I did miss my little sister. I talked to Alex a couple of weeks before and heard she was doing well with her music but quite the depressed woman.

I tried not to feel bad about it but as an older sister and as someone who actually grew up after high school – I knew I could end it all by just forgetting about everything and enjoy life as a huge family.

I still had to sleep on that though.

I heard the front door open and I literally squealed, running into the living room. All three of my girls' eyes were wide and jaws slacked. "So?" I bounced a couple of times and picked up Dylan.

"Camz," Lauren was the first to speak as she dropped her briefcase and kicked off her shoes, "this is a gorgeous tree – where'd you get one so pretty this late in the year?"

What? Late? I rolled my eyes.

Lauren had her tree up already for over two weeks. She bought hers.

I chopped my own down.

"I took a ride out Olsen Road in Pellat." I smiled proudly and put Dylan down.

"You chopped this yourself?" She asked in disbelief. "You killed a tree!"

I scoffed. "Well you bought a killed tree!" I challenged back. "Way to kill my surprise buzz, you tree killer buzz kill." I pouted.

Lauren laughed softly. "Aww," she pulled me into the warmth of her coat and placed a lingering kiss on my cheek, "I really do love the tree baby," she whispered.

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