Right On Target

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Jaiden's PoV

"So since you two already had dinner and dessert, I think we should skip the popcorn." I nodded thoughtfully, tapping my fingers against my lips as we stood in line for the newest Pixar cartoon. I was a fan of animated cartoons, less drama.

"Wha?" Lucas looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "You cannot go to a movie without having snacks, Jai!"

Wow, I swore I heard her growl somewhere in between that sentence. "You eat like a monster kid," I poked her sides and she rolled her eyes but smiled.

"I just want wine gums." Dylan shrugged. "Oh and a small Pepsi." She frowned. "Um, and maybe we can share popcorn?"

"Just wine gums?" Lucas snickered. "I want a small Dr. Pepper."

"I want a million dollars." I sighed and they both looked at me. "What? You can shit in one hand and wish in the other, see which one fills first."

"Ew." Dylan gagged. "Bad word!"


"Fine, snacks are on me just don't go telling your parents that it's my fault if you have a stomach ache." We got up to the ticket booth. "Two children and one adult for the kid movie."

Both girls ran in front of me to stand in the concession line, waiting eagerly for their treats. I wish I could maintain an eating habit like them.

"Wynters," I turned around to find Sammy smiling at me, "I see you scored the two hottest dates in Kenora, very nicely done."

"Yea," I laughed nervously, swallowing, "what can I say? I'm a regular Romeo."

"I don't doubt that." She smiled and licked her lips. "So you let Lauren and Camila have alone time?"

"Well, I like hanging out with the girls on a Friday night," I leaned a little, "they keep me out of trouble."

"I bet." Sammy chuckled and squeezed my shoulder. Ugh, my heart flipped and I hated when it did that.

"Did you want to maybe join us?" I asked in a hopeful tone. "We can share our popcorn..."

"Actually, I am going to see that new action flick." Sammy frowned, "but maybe we can catch another movie sometime?"

"Taylor, there you are!" I closed my eyes tightly as I heard her voice. "Hey cutie," she smiled at me.

"Hey Normani." I nodded and swallowed hard again.

That was why I hated having crushes.

"Aunt Sammy, Aunt Normani!" Lucas smiled as she tugged on my arm, telling me the line was moving up. "Are you going to see 'Just Another Day'?"

"No, I'm taking Sam to see 'Brutality Bites'." Normani's hand slid around Sammy's waist and I fought the jealousy bug down.

"Wow, that's romantic." I rolled my eyes. That was right Wynters, let the sarcasm jealousy ooze... it was a turn on.


Sammy looked at me with a soft smile and moved towards me. "I think we need to have a movie night before I leave town in two weeks."

"Sure." I nodded.

"Come on Jaiden!" Dylan tugged on my other arm. "We're going to miss the previews!"

"You two be good to Jaiden," Carmen scolded lightly.

Lucas and Dylan nodded and pulled me forward to the counter. I looked back and noticed Normani's hand was on Sammy's lower back as they entered their movie.

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