I Always Think Of You

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Camila's PoV

"You look so..." Sammy tried to find a word and she shrugged, stumped.

"I figured you'd be happy to see her again," Normani spoke up, scooping out a spoonful of vanilla ice cream from our second tub that sat between the three of us at Rapture's.

"I am but," I sighed and pressed my fingers against my temple, "she looks so lost and sad. It breaks my heart."

"Well she's been through a lot," Sammy sighed, "I mean not that I know the whole story."

I eyed her up, wondering if I should take my chances and ask her everything she knew about Lauren and Dylan. I wanted too.

I so wanted too.

But I couldn't.

"Mila," Sammy licked her lips, "Lauren never wanted to keep Dylan a secret from you. Not intentionally anyway. She figured Sofi would've said something."

"Not that it was Sofi's place anyway," Normani shrugged.

"What do you mean?" Sammy gasped and I raised my eyebrows between the two. "I think Sofi could've said 'hey Mila, guess what? Lauren's happy and knocked herself up.'"

I had to chuckled cause that sounded ridiculous. Then I stopped laughing.


Knocked herself up?

"Shit." The brunette muttered and I tilted my head slightly. She sighed heavily and looked around the semi-busy café. "Lauren never slept with a guy," she whispered, "she um, she went and got the sperm thingy planted inside of her. It was her choice."



Man, I felt like a total...


"Really?" Normani asked in wonder. "Wow, where was that Lauren Jauregui twelve years ago, right?"

"Normani!" Sammy punched her arm, earning a yelp. "You're so fucking insensitive sometimes."

"Bitch, I didn't mean it like that and she knew it!" Normani barked back. "I was the one who stood by Camila's side through everything when everyone else was doing their own thing. I would never rub that back in her face."

Normani was kind of hot pissed. Just saying.

Sammy frowned and leaned over, pressing her lips to the woman's cheek. "I'm sorry."

I think that shocked the raven haired hockey player. "Uh, it-it's cool. Didn't hurt. Cabello hits harder than you on a bad day."

Sammy smirked and then looked back at me. "I would've been there for you Mila," she scratched her neck slightly, "but I was trying to track down my own girlfriend back then." The table went quiet but Sammy shook her head. "I'm so over her, you have no idea."

"So back to Camren," Normani smiled and patted my hand. "When are you seeing her again?"

"Well she's back in with Ryn tomorrow and I work so..." I smiled a little, "I'll probably run into her again."

"Don't you feel any pain?" Normani frowned. "I mean, that's the woman who left you high and dry Camila – she took your heart with her."

I pondered that for a moment and nodded, partially agreeing with her. "But she came back," I mused, "maybe it's only because of Dylan but I think ..." I trailed off when I noticed Chelsea and Lauren walk in when the chimes sounded above the door.

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