Golden Treasures

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Camila's PoV

The crowd was going crazy and my heart was beating wildly in my chest.

This was it.

This was the exact moment I lived for.

Face off during the gold medal game in the 2010 Olympics.

"Cabello, you better still be my friend once I finish wiping the ice with your face." Kordei peeked through her mask with a grin. She was drafted onto Team USA and we were at face off with five minutes left. The score was tight.

16 – 15 .

"Dream on Bitch," I smirked, "the title is ours."

The referee blew his whistle and I shoulder checked Normani, watching as she fell to the ice, swooping the puck that passed her head and took off down the ice.

The crowd was cheering and it always gave me a huge adrenaline rush. I body checked a few other players before I was tackled myself.


I got up and shoved the girl back, noticing it was Kordei. I shook my head and shoved her again, skating passed her.

"Cabello!" Coach Howard pulled me in and gave me some words of encouragement. "Just rip them to shreds."

I nodded and went back out on the ice.

Two minutes were left.

They had scored on us again, leaving it 16 – 16 .

"Come on," I looked over at Kendra, my favourite team-mate who I messed around with from time to time, "just show them that Cabello tough side." She threw me a wink and I nodded, knocking knuckles with her as we skated like hell out on the ice.

The crowd was getting louder and I glanced up at the clock. Less than a minute left. I skated fast down the other side of rink and stole the puck, passing it to Kendra. We did the move before, passing it back and forth until we reached the goalie.

I made a sharp stop in front of Team USA ' s goalie and raised an eyebrow at her smug smirk. "Enjoy your silver medal." I grinned and as soon as the puck hit my stick, I shot it right between her legs.

"SCORE!" Kendra screamed and hugged me as everyone roared with excitement, music going off in the background as cheers became louder.

I had just lived my dream.

I had just made my whole dream come true.

I was going to sport an Olympic gold medal and I couldn't have been happier.


I rubbed my temples and leaned back in my chair, waiting for the pounding headache to disappear after having a meeting with two parents who wanted their son back. I didn't see them fit as parents but I was required to at least listen to their argument before getting a lawyer to present it in court.

"Mila, line one." Ryn's voice sounded through the intercom. "It's your father."

I smiled and thanked her before picking up my ear piece. "Hey dad."

"Camila, how's my favourite oldest daughter?" His laughter was always comforting.

"Perfect as always." I smiled and looked down at the picture on my desk. It was a picture of Sofi and Lucas, the last time they saw each other, which was over a year ago. "How is my favourite father?"

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