On Location

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Sofi's PoV

New York City was probably one my favourite cities to visit. The crowds were always welcoming and there's always so much to see. I could explore the whole day and still find new things to discover.

Sadly I didn't have time to really explore while I stayed. I was booked with autograph sessions, press conferences, my last concert on the States side and I was helping launch a new MTV show; RJ Live. It'd be my first live interview since I started the world tour and was rather excited about it.

I stopped to sign as many autographs outside the studio of RJ Live as I could before my bodyguards ushered me into the building. It felt good to hear the screams coming from the streets of New York.

I was led to a dressing room and was thrilled that I was able to have a few moments to myself. I didn't mind the attention but it was nice to catch some silence every once in a while.

"Sofi?" I heard a knock on the door and soon Rissa was entering with a sheepish look on her face. "I don't mean to interrupt but R.J. wanted to meet you personally before the show."

I smiled and nodded my head, signalling her to let the Latina TV host inside the room.

"Hi Sofi." R.J. came up to me with a huge smile and held out her hand for me to shake. "I'm R.J. and I just wanted to thank you for agreeing to do the show. I was more than stoked to find out that you'd be the first guest."

"Well I'm honoured." I squeezed her hand gently. She straightened her vintage The Doors shirt and tucked her hands in her jean pockets. " So are you excited? I've heard a lot of buzz about this new show."

R.J. laughed and tossed her brown hair over her shoulder before sitting down on the couch. "I'm nervous. I've been a radio DJ for years and this kind of just snuck up on me."

"I think it's an awesome opportunity then." I grinned and sat across from her. "Thank you for having me."

R.J. nodded and leaned forward. "So," she rubbed her hands together, "I'm trying to contain my excitement of meeting you because your music has been most inspirational. It's hard acting professional."

I had to laugh and she seemed to have relaxed. "Well I'm a fan of yours as well. I think your radio show was one of the best in the city. You have pretty great taste in music."

R.J. smiled. "My girlfriend is the lead singer of Cera. She pretty much introduced me to everything I know."

I've heard the band name being thrown around quite a lot in the city but I wasn't sure if I've ever heard of them before.

"They're a local band. They've made it big but things kind of changed for them and they went back to being local. Lia's a huge fan of yours; her band covers a lot your songs."

"Oh wow," I laughed lightly and bit my lip, "very cool. I'd love to meet her some time."

"I think that can be arranged. She's walking around this building somewhere." She chuckled and stood up. "One of the reasons why I came to you before the show is to kind of give you a rundown of what'll be going on. Basically just a simple small interview and we do have a game we're introducing, 'Truth of Fail'. Questions get asked, no matter how personal and you choose to answer. If you answer them all, we'll give away money to the charity of your choice."

I held my breath and raised an eyebrow. "Wow, well I can't let a charity down now can I?"

R.J. shook her with a smile. "Also if you're up for it, I see you brought your guitar."

I glanced over at 'Samantha'. I took her everywhere with me now that Sam had returned it. I still wasn't sure why she had shipped back the guitar I gave her. I'd ask her.

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