Musician vs Rock Star

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Sofia's PoV

Heavy breathing filtered the air and I released a long moan as she collapsed on top of me. It had been a year since I'd last seen her and God it felt good to 'see' her again. Her lips kissed my face and then stopped when they reached my mouth. "I've missed you," she whispered so quietly before capturing my lips in a deeper kiss.

I missed her too. But I couldn't tell her that. I turned my head to look over at the clock that was perched neatly on a small shelf in my tour bus 'room'. "I have to be in there in thirty minutes." I sat up slightly, and looked around to find a shirt.

"So be late," she groaned and moved to kiss my shoulder, "you're a big bad rock star, you can be late once in a while."

I had to smirk and then gasp as teeth sunk into my neck, nipping a biting slowly. "I really need-"

"-to be with me." She said seriously and pushed me back down, hovering over me. "Sofia," she sighed and kissed me again, "God I spent so many nights just... pining over you and walking away was the hardest thing I had to do." Her fingers tracing lightly over the inside of my thigh and then cupping me lightly.

I swallowed and bit my bottom lip, not wanting to get lost in those beautiful blue eyes. "Samantha," I breathed her name and she slipped further into me. I was lost in her.

All of her.

"Knock knock!" We heard from the front of the bus and panic rose in my eyes.

"Fuck!" I sat up quickly and threw Sammy her clothes while trying to tug mine on. I knew that voice coming down the hallway.

"Sofi, what's going on?" Sammy asked me with a deep frown. "Who is that?"

God, I so didn't need that at the moment.

"Sofi! Are you in there?" Her voice was getting closer and I realized I was busted. There was nowhere to run. I managed to pull a tank top over my head before the small sliding door opened and brown eyes locked with mine before they fell on Sammy. I watched her face fall and I exhaled slowly. "What is this?" Tracey asked and backed out of the room, covering her face before glaring at me. "What is this?!"

Yep, Tracey was my girlfriend of five months.

Sammy gave me a confused look and pulled on her jeans before pulling her messy hair back in a ponytail. "What's going on?" She looked at me and my heart dropped.

I remained quiet, not being able to find my voice.

"Answer me." Tracey said, her eyes hazy and Sammy's glistening.

"I'm sorry." I whispered and then felt myself being shoved hard against and pinned against the wall by Sam. She didn't care if I looked scared, she was pissed and hurt.

"How could you?" She hissed and then tightened her fists into a ball on either side of my head. "Who the fuck are you, Sofi?" Sammy shook her head, tears streaming down her face. She turned to face Tracey. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know you two were-"

"We're over." Tracey coldly said as she threw a bouquet of roses on my messed up bed and slammed the sliding door.

I felt numb.

And dirty.

"I don't even know you anymore." Sammy frowned deeply and grabbed her coat, tugging it on.

"You knew me well enough to fuck me." I spat. I was angry and I had no one else to take it out on. I was angry at myself.

I felt a hard slap against my cheek and blue eyes blazing with anger.

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