Connect The Cabellos

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Lauren's PoV

Coach Cabello.

Coach Cabello.

I heard her voice. I couldn't bring myself to face her at all, I really couldn't. Everything just seemed so surreal to me.

Coach Cabello.

God, what the hell kind of cosmic joke is this?

I threw my hotel key card down on the dresser and flopped back on the bed. I rubbed my temples and sighed heavily.

It all felt so overwhelming, I wasn't sure what to think or where to begin. I came to Kenora to get my daughter back and that was my main focus. But it seemed to have faltered a bit the second I heard her.

Not only was my girl living here, so was the one I let get away.

Stupidly may I add.

My phone started ringing and it was Sofi again. I sighed heavily and bit my lip hard. I pressed talk. "This better be important." I muttered and I heard a gasp.

"You answered your phone!"

"What do you want Sofi?" I couldn't stop from sounding a little bitter. The more I thought about the situation I was in, the more I realized Sofi knew Camila was in Kenora if she knew Dylan was in the same town.

"Oh God, you know." Was the first thing that came out of her mouth.

"What? What do I know?" I sat up and ran a hand through my hair.


"-lives here." I interrupted her.

"Here?" Sofi's voice went an octave higher. "What do you mean, here?"

"I gotta go," I said and closed my eyes, "I need to think."

"Wait! Lauren... what do you mean by 'here'?" She sounded desperate.

"Here as in the same town my daughter is in, which you failed to mention by the way." I hissed and snapped my phone shut.

Years ago I would've needed a drink to help me understand this situation but I would never lay another hand on a drink again.

I knew better.

I wanted better.

The phone rang three more times before I shut it off.

"Lauren?" I heard Chelsea on the other side of my door and I rushed to answer it.

"What are you still doing up?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I think I'm over tired," she said sheepishly, "I was wondering if you wanted to take a drive?"

"Um..." I swallowed, "sure, where too?"

"I don't know." Chelsea shrugged. "You know this place a little more than I do. What kind of things can you do around here?"

I immediately thought of 'Rapture' and instantly put the thought away. I couldn't face that place yet.

Or ever.


I didn't know.

I rubbed my temples in frustration and Chelsea placed a hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"Yea." I mumbled tiredly and she gave me a stern look. "I think I should've listened to you earlier and stayed in."

"Oh please tell me you didn't see her..." Chelsea said in a panicked voice.

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