Well, Congratulations

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Lauren's PoV

"Do you like her?" Dylan finally crawled into bed and I kissed her forehead. I hated the fact that I had to leave her side again but she seemed to be taking it rather well. "Mommy?"

"Hmm?" I whispered, looking at her beautiful face. "Do I like Camila?"

Dylan nodded eagerly. "She says she likes you."

"Did she now?" I smiled and tickled Dylan's sides before climbing up on the bed and snuggling beside her. "Camila's special," I whispered and played with her tiny piano fingers. "I used to know Camila, Dyl."

Dylan's eyes showed some confusion. "You did?"

"Yea," I sighed, "but in school."

"Oh," she nodded slowly, "she never said she knew you."

"I know," I kissed her temple and sighed, leaning against the headboard, "things are complicated and once us grown-ups can figure it all out, then we'll help you understand it all, okay?"

Dylan smiled and wrapped my arm tighter around her small frame. "So, do you like her?" She asked again and I had to smile.

I love her.

"Yes." I answered and caressed her cheek before kissing her forehead again. "You should try and get some sleep baby."

"I can't." Dylan pouted. "Lucas hasn't said goodnight yet."

I realized at that point that the young Cabello had really become a big part in Dylan's life. A big part. Just as I was about to say something, there was a soft knock on the door.

Lucas came in the room in her flannel bottoms and black torn old hockey jersey. "I just wanted to say goodnight." She whispered without looking at me. I watched her move to the other side of the bed and pressed her lips against Dylan's cheek. "Night lil sis."

My heart fell to the floor.

Dylan's smile was enough to keep it there. "Night big sis."

Lucas finally looked up at me and sighed a little. "I'm sorry about earlier," she whispered, "have a goodnight Miss Jauregui."

"What did she do Mommy?" Dylan asked wide eyed. I snuggled closer to my daughter, pressing my cheek against her head. "She'll come around." She finally said when I remained silent.

I don't know why, but I believed her somehow.


"What did I tell you about the pacing on my carpet?" Camila raised an eyebrow at me and I stopped mid-step, looking at her sheepishly. "Thought so." She smiled and pointed to the seat. "Lauren, I don't know why you're so worried."

"I just don't know either." I sighed and sat down, not so lady like that time. "Carter has been away with Chelsea for nearly forty-five minutes and it's killing me here."

Camila leaned forward and chewed slightly on the tip of her pen. "What terrifies you more, the verdict or your reaction?"

I stared at her. All of it was fucking terrifying. But at the same time, the Cabello's reaction terrified me the most. Lucas already had it out for me and I could tell Camila really cared for Dylan, like I did. She was truly a mother to her and I was about to rip that apart?

I couldn't handle hurting them again. I couldn't handle seeing that pain in Camila's eyes like I did the day I broke up with her.

I'd die before I allowed that to happen.

But Dylan was my daughter.

"This all just scares me," I admitted softly. "How you'll react, how Lucas will react..."

Sitting back in her chair, Camila sighed and closed her eyes. "I would like to say this isn't fair to us," she finally opened her eyes and looked at me with a little bit of sorrow, "but really, this isn't fair to you."

I looked at her slightly confused. She stood up and made her way towards me, taking the seat next to me. "What?"

"Dylan has been with us since the beginning of the school year and we've enjoyed having her with us. She fell into our family perfectly and I know Lucas loves her and would protect Dylan with her life if she needed too." I felt her hand rest over top of mine. I was sure it was just for comfort. God Camila was doing a good job at comforting me since I showed up unexpectedly in her life. "But Lauren, you've been through so much as well. You went through a lot and you're here now, getting Dylan back in your life," she smiled softly, tears formed in the corner of her eyes, "you should be proud."


"No," Camila shook her head, "it's not fair that this is tearing you up inside when you should be jumping for joy. Dylan's your daughter and she belongs with you."

I swallowed hard and looked away, tears forming in my own eyes. "God Camila, this just hurts so much." I finally let out a soft sob.

"I know." I heard her whisper as she pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back slowly. I immediately felt safe.

A knock at the door caused us to break apart and wait until Camila called come in. She didn't give the word until she was back behind her desk.

Personal feelings were starting get involved but at least Camila could put on her professional smile and yell 'come in'.

Carter walked in behind Chelsea and threw me a wink.

Oh God.

I held onto the arm rests tightly.

"Miss Cabello, I think it's safe to say that Miss Jauregui is allowed to start taking Dylan out on her own," he threw some files on Camila's desk and she picked them up, thumbing through them, "plus she's on a leave of absence from her work in Thunder Bay until the end of the month. It gives us enough time to get the hearing pushed through."

"Work?" Camila looked at me and I swallowed.

It wasn't much. I managed to snag a part time position at the elementary school as a music teacher. I basically filled in when and where I was needed. I went to school for it and took entrepreneur classes while I stayed 'behind the scenes' making Sofi's albums. You always needed a 'fall back'.

"Miss Jauregui teaches music classes at Greenpoint Elementary," Chelsea smiled, "they allowed her to leave for this."

Camila looked at me and I wasn't sure what to make of her expression. "Wow," she breathed with a smile and bit her bottom lip, "so um," she cleared her throat, pulling her hair to the side and sat down, "when's the hearing?"

"Two weeks." Carter smiled at me. "It's kind of mandatory but we both know Miss Jauregui doesn't need one."

"Yeah." Camila nodded and closed the file folder, pushing it back to the corner of her desk. "Well," she looked at me, "congratulations."

I should've been jumping for joy.

But God if you witnessed the look on her face that I was, it was heart wrenching. "Thank you."

"Looks like I don't have to escort you to that hockey game after all." Chelsea nudged me and I nodded, my eyes trained on the brunette behind the desk.

She wasn't looking at me or anyone for that matter. Finally her eyes looked up from her desk and she licked her lips. "Dylan's game is at six-thirty, we usually go for a light dinner at Rapture around four-thirty if you're interested."

I nodded and stood up. I needed air and a little alone time. "I'll see you then Camila."

She nodded and smiled a little.

I needed to use the bathroom.

I was glad I never had that pizza bun for an early lunch.

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