The Dawn Is Breaking

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Sofia's PoV

It was white - very white and bright as the sun started to shine over the cold looking horizon. I blinked a few times and yawned, stretching my feet as far as I could since I was sitting in the passenger side of my burnt orange Jeep Wrangler Rubicon. Tracey gripped the wheel as she took a right and I licked my lips, sitting up as we passed large billboards stating we were close to Kenora.

Right after my show the night before, I didn't even stick around to throw an after-tour party. Tracey and I packed up and caught the earliest flight to Winnipeg, where we had left my jeep in the parking lot. Luckily we touched down just before the snow storm hit.

"Are you sure your parents won't be mad at us for not seeing them?" Tracey asked, turning up the heat a little.

"We saw them two weeks ago," I smiled sleepily, and looked at the window, my mind immediately going towards Lucas, "besides, I miss my niece."

Tracey nodded and gripped the steering wheel firmly yet again, her eyes straight ahead on the road.

It seemed like the shortest ride of my life and a part of me wasn't ready to see the long driveway we were about to turn down. What and who was behind those solid walls scared the hell out of me.

I felt sick.

"Sofi," Tracey stopped the car halfway down the long rough snow covered driveway, "we can turn around right now and go for a coffee or something. Who knows, maybe Camila's still sleeping."

Camila still sleeping? Tracey knew Camila never slept in unless she had sex the previous night.

I rolled my eyes.

"We're already here," I sighed and she moved the jeep forward slowly, glancing at me every so often, "babe, I'm sure."

"Okay." Tracey tucked her long strand of hair behind her ear and nodded, pulling up to what usually was an empty driveway. There was an unfamiliar looking mustang, an SUV and a Camero parked beneath a pile of snow. "Wow, party central."

"Yea," I frowned in curiousity and realized the only vehicle I recognized was Ryn's midnight blue SUV.

"Are you su-" Tracey was silenced when I kissed her briefly.

"Stop asking me." I whispered and she cut off the engine, putting on her black hat and opening the door. Our breaths could be seen in the air because it was cold.

I missed being out here.

Tracey grabbed my hand and we slowly made our way towards the front of the house, making fresh footprints in the snow.

I heard movement inside and licked my lips, my knuckles making it to the door and then it was ripped open. I stood face to face with a tall brunette guy with green eyes and the biggest dimples. I frowned.

Camila. I cured her silently.

"Hey," I said awkwardly and he looked slightly surprised.

"Hi." He whispered with head nod and slipped outside, pulling out a cigarette from his coat pocket.

"Who are you?" I frowned even deeper.

"Oh wow," he laughed softly and held out his hand, "I'm Tristan, forgive my rudeness."

"Tristan, there you ar-" Ryn's voice came from behind me and I turned around to face the redhead. "Sofi?!" Her eyes were wide and she grabbed a coat and boots, rushing outside to give me a hug. "Wow, it's been awhile."

I smiled and hugged her back. "Yea..."

"Nice to see you too Tracey," she smiled at my fiancée and then her arm looped through the tall man's, "I see you've met my boyfriend, Tristan."

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