Let's Get Down to Business

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Lauren's PoV


It was official. Those two last names were legally intertwined together on a piece of paper - and on a large billboard above a modern new looking building that was now the head quarters for our business in B.C.

"C & J Records." Sofi winked at me and raised her beer bottle, clingy it against my coke glass.

Camila cheered loudly and pulled me into a huge hug. "I knew you'd be back in the business."

Okay, so the name Cabello-Jauregui wasn't meant for Camila and myself. Sofi and I officially had a business starting up. It'd probably take a while for us to get every single detail together, and then bands to have faith in us to get them noticed.

"Does this mean we'll be moving to B.C.?" Lucas asked with hesitance in her voice.

"No." I smiled and kissed her head. "But Aunt Sofi is and I'll be in charge of a lot of the paper work from home ... in Kenora." I assured her.

"Good, because I can't be away from Jaid." She smiled and skipped her way through the party crowd we had in our living room.

"Congrats!" Ryn came up to me and gave me a hug. "The school's probably going to miss you though."

"I'm not leaving the school." I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, I just figured you'd be so busy with your new business." Ryn tilted her head to the side. "Between that and your family I was just..."

"Assuming." I finished for her with a kind smile. "I know it'll be a lot at first but I've managed Sofi, while running a label and raising Dylan when she was younger. It'll be familiar territory." I winked and patted her shoulder. "Plus, if it all proves to be too much, I know where my priorities are." I looked over to a laughing Camila, who was hanging onto Sammy's arm while talking to a few soon to be executives in our up incoming business.

Ryn excused herself and I was left alone, leaning against the island counter. I tapped my fingers against the counter top and observed my surroundings. Surroundings I never thought I'd ever see again.

Black ties and tight dresses were scattered around my living room, looking as if they walked right off of Hollywood Blvd. It was surreal to have so many high and important people in my living room in a small, middle of nowhere, town. Sofi definitely did something right and I had to applaud her for her taste.

"Hey gorgeous, fancy seeing you in my kitchen." Camila walked up to me and slid a hand down my arm teasingly. Her chocolate eyes were sparkling and I had to smirk.

"You're buzzed, aren't you Cabello?" I eyed the tie around her neck and she grinned devilishly.

"Maaaybe." She drew the word out flirtatiously and winked. "Chase and Ephiny offered to take the kids for the night. Once the party files out of here, we can have a little private party of our own."

"Hmm," I hummed and grasped the black tie, pulling her to me. "I'm thinking that's a brilliant idea."

"I know it is." Camila playfully scoffed and leered at me through glossy eyes. "I thought of it."

I chuckled and kissed her, my hands bunching up her blonde hair as the kiss grew a little deeper than I had intended. Then again, a buzzed Camila Cabello was pretty much like a drunk Camila Cabello. Those times always lead to somewhere good, somewhere very good but not during a house full of professional guests. I gently pushed her back and she pouted at me.

"Don't give me that look. We've already given these people a free peep show. I'd like to keep the real sexy stuff to ourselves." I whispered and squeezed her hip, pecking her lips once more.

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