The Trouble With Love Is

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Sammy's PoV

It was Christmas Eve and I was sitting in a small coffee shop in the middle of Midtown. I blew into my mug a bit and turned my head when the bell on the door went off, signalling an incoming. My smile widened when I finally saw who it was.

I stood up and Sofi fell into my open embrace, her face buried into my neck, holding on for dear life. "God, I missed you." She breathed and pressed her lips to my cheek, squeezing my hand.

"I've missed you too." I smiled softly and brushed a stray black hair behind her ears. She looked so grown-up, it was unreal. We both sat in our seats across from each other and shared a soft look. "You look really good."

Sofi shrugged but whispered a thank you. "Not as good as you, Samantha Taylor."

"Always." I grinned and shrugged my own shoulders. "How have you been? It's been a couple of months."

Her grey eyes scanned the shop before landing on me. "I don't know. I just feel like such an asshole."

I widened my eyes at her confession and tilted my head. "Why?"

"Why do you think?" She gave me a look and sighed. "I miss them, Sam. I miss everyone and how everything used to be."

A part of my heart would always belong to the young Cabello, there was no question in that. I missed a lot of things too.

Her being one of them.

"It's like everyone grew up and moved on and I just kind of stayed here."

"What are you talking about, Sofia?" I frowned. "You're a rock star. You've got millions of women and men falling at your feet, enjoying your music. You're living the dream."

She snorted slightly and tiled her head, licking her lips. "What if I told you my dream from high school, turned out differently from the dream I have now?"

"How so?" I leaned forward and brushed my thumb against her hand before taking a sip of my coffee.

"In high school, I wanted to play music. I wanted to be famous and I wanted to make a difference in the world with music. I wanted to be Lauren. She did it all, and she wasn't even in the spotlight." Her eyes closed and she took a deep breath. "Don't get me wrong, I'm in love with the woman I'm about to marry but this wasn't how I pictured things."

"You and me?" I asked gently, raising an eyebrow.


"I miss the high school Sofi and Sammy. I miss the carefree Sofi who did things for the right reasons and not just because she thought it was right. I miss you all the same but you've become a different person." I shrugged. "I'm not saying that your difference is bad in any way babe, I just mean that we all grow up to live up to different expectations and yours was to get laid and play the rock star role."

"I did not expect to get laid!" Sofi said hurtfully. "I just got caught up in the moment of being wanted."

"I always wanted you." I whispered.

"I know," she said quietly and played with the sugar shaker, "and I'm sorry."

"It's the past. We already said we'd leave it there." I smiled and bit my lip. "I have a feeling this isn't about us though, is it?"

"I want to make things right with my sister and Lauren." Sofi swallowed and looked at me. "I just don't know how to go about that, you know? I've messed up big time and I realize that. I made so many mistakes along the way that I don't blame them for not wanting to talk to me."

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