Desktop Love

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Camila's PoV

I knew we were perfect for each other. I knew that since the moment we met at my 17th birthday party that one fateful day. It was in the air and even after the horrible heartache right before graduation, a part of me could not let go because I felt this moment beyond the horizon. Our fairytale was probably just beginning and we'd have more bumpy rough spots on the road along the way but what mattered was that we'd be going through them together.

As a family.

Lauren had called earlier that day stating she had a meeting with the School Board and didn't know what time she'd be home for dinner. She was sweet and told me to go ahead and fix the kids something and promised she'd make it up to me with an adult version of a delicious dessert.

Like I was really going to refuse that.

The problem was that I didn't have the kids because I was planning a special dinner for just the two of us. Chase and Ephiny offered to help me out but I didn't have the heart to tell Lauren the truth because I knew she'd feel bad and rush things when she shouldn't have too. My job springs last minute meetings on me all the time so I understood.

Somehow though, I found myself in front of the school where I noticed Lauren's mustang parked in her regular parking spot. I figured it wouldn't hurt to go and wait in the music room by her office until her meeting was over with.

My heels clicked softly against the polished floor as I made my way down towards the basement of the school. It was eerily quiet and the janitor I passed just gave me a head nod and continued taking the trash out of the garbage can.

The music room door was unlocked and only the last rows of lights were on. I thought I'd try and see if her office door was unlocked but to my surprise the lights were on and I could hear shuffling of paper on the other side. She had the blinds closed so I couldn't see her but when she started humming a tune; I knew it was her for sure.

Looking down at my jeans and Team Canada hoodie, I smoothed myself out and tucked hair behinds my ears before inhaling deeply. My knuckles hit the door in a soft knock.

"It's open!" Lauren called out softly from the other side.

I turned the knob and pushed the door open. I was greeted with Lauren's back as she dug through her file cabinet. "Do you randomly yell that out to anybody?" She slammed the file door shut and spun around to look at me.

"Jesus Camz! You scared me." A smile graced her lips as she threw her papers on her desk and greeted me with a kiss. "No, I don't always randomly yell that out," she allowed her eyes to drag up my body and wiggled her eyebrows, "just to the hot ones."

"Touché." I beamed and stepped back to admire her hair up in a messy bun, glasses perched over her nose and her black tie hanging loosely around her neck. "I see you dressed up for this meeting?" I scanned her body and internally groaned at how perfect her black slacks made her ass look.

"No," she laughed and tugged at the tie, "I wore this when I left the house this morning."

No she didn't. I would've noticed the tie.

"I just didn't have this on," she trailed the tip of the tie along my cheek, her eyes dancing playfully, "because I knew I'd never leave the house on time."

Good point.

"Wise decision baby." I slid my arms around her neck and pulled her body flush against mine. "You know me so well."

Lauren wrinkled her nose up in a grin and kissed me again, a little deeper that time. "So what did I do to earn this lovely surprise visit?" She murmured and giggled a little when I trailed my hands down her back, over the thin material of her white buttoned up shirt.

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