It Has To Mean Something

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Camila's PoV

I couldn't sleep. I couldn't sleep a wink because my mind was on overdrive with the kiss I had shared with Lauren the night before. It was one of those kisses where you think it was real but then you think 'no kiss could be that great', you know?

It was real alright.

I could still taste her on my lips.


I had dropped the girls off at school a little over two hours prior and found myself bored out of my mind. I already did two loads of laundry, cleaned the bedrooms, vacuumed and mopped the floors.

I twiddled my thumbs and wondered if Lauren would indeed call me. I hoped she would.

After our kiss, she shyly slipped out the door and left quietly – but with a smile on her face. So that was a good sign.

I was about to try and find something on daytime television but I wasn't much for soap operas or Oprah. Hell my life had enough drama in it, never mind watching it all day, every day. The doorbell sounded and I immediately smiled at the thought of it being Lauren.

Oh how wrong I was.

"Hey." Aimee slipped passed me and shrugged off her coat.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, and not really in a nice tone either.

"I've missed you." She replied with a shrug.

"Aimee," I sighed and closed the door, "we need to talk."

"No." The brunette sat down and stared at me. "Talking would involve you making up excuses not to see me anymore."

"They're not excuses!" I said a little too loudly before taking a deep breath. "You know what we were when this first started," I said slowly, "we fucked – a lot; but that was it. Nothing more."

"Are you serious?" Aimee laughed incredulously and shook her head. "You can't possibly tell me that you haven't developed any feelings for me over the past four months."

"I haven't." I didn't miss a beat. Seriously, you can call me a bitch for being so cruel but at least I was being honest. There was no point in leading this woman on even further than I guess I already have.

"I can't believe you." Aimee hissed and stood up.

"Me?" I scoffed and frowned. "Are you serious right now Aim? Have I done anything to lead you to believe I wanted more than just a good lay every now and then?"

"You let me spend the night that one time." Aimee said in a serious, yet sad tone.

I knew that was going to bite me in the ass.

That was why I never allowed it to happen before but I fell asleep.

"Who is she?" The blonde sneered. "You went ahead and fell in love with someone else, didn't you?"

"No." I laughed. "I never fell out of love."

Aimee rolled her eyes and tugged her coat back on. "You are such a fucking bitch, Camila."

"Glad to see you finally got the memo." I sighed tiredly. I had to be hard with the situation or she'd just keep trying.

As soon as she wrenched the door open, we found one shocked Lauren, jumping back. "Jesus," she muttered when I apologized for scaring her. "Am I interrupting something?" She asked hesitantly.

"Yea," Aimee spoke and stared at the brunette, "she just finished telling me that I was nothing more to her than a useless fuck on the days she wanted it."

Lauren gasped slightly and looked at me. I stared down at my socked feet and bit my lip.

Now I felt ashamed.

"Oh." Lauren tilted her head and looked at Aimee. "I guess you just have to be a brunette in order to get the whole 'it has to mean something' stage." She smiled sweetly at the blonde.

"Whatever." Aimee sighed heavily. "You just wait, she'll screw you over too."

Oh I hope so...

Camila! Cool it.

I glanced at Lauren, who just smirked. "Doubt that Blondie," she murmured, "I know how to please the lady and it keeps her begging me for more, right Camz?"


My eyes widened in shock and barely heard Aimee curse on her way out the door.

Lauren played that jealousy card perfectly.

"Her? Seriously?" Lauren raised an eyebrow as she came inside, taking off her shoes and coat.

"I uh, had itches that needed to be scratched." I shrugged and closed the door, making my way into the kitchen. I turned around to see if she was following me. "Not up to your standards?"

"Meh." Lauren shrugged and leaned against the counter, looking at me with her gorgeous green eyes. "I think you could've done a hell of a lot better."

"Oh yea?" I smirked and put the kettle on the stove full of water. "Enlighten me."

"Well Katie was pretty hot so I have no complaints there." Lauren grinned but then she turned slightly serious. "However, no one out did me."

Oh hell no.

"Fuck no." I snorted and grabbed a couple of mugs from the cupboard. "Trust me."

I felt Lauren step closer and slid her arms around my waist.

So that kiss did mean something.

"I do trust you." She whispered in my ear and spun me around, pinning me against the counter. "I've never stopped."

I closed my eyes. I dreamed of having Lauren with me again for years. And there she was, right in front of me, her hands clutching at the belt loops of my jeans. I didn't want to look at her yet. I knew if I did, I wouldn't be able to steady myself. Everything was so intense at that moment. Her scent, her fingertips that were now tracing light patterns on my lower back, her breathing – oh God to hear her breathing made me alive.

"No," I finally let out a shaky breath, "you stopped trusting yourself." I did it. I opened my eyes and found her emerald eyes a few shades darker.

Lauren's eyes flickered from my own to my lips, while licking hers. "I'm working on that." She whispered as she moved in on me, her hands back to grasping my hips.

My arms were still at my sides, my fists clenching because I was fighting the urge to touch her. I wanted to so bad that it ached not too. "Lo," I blinked almost heavily and wrapped my arms around her neck.

Lauren kissed me. She didn't even skip a beat. Her lips fell upon mine in the most insecure kiss we've ever shared. However, with it being insecure, it was sweet and slow and light.

It was perfect.

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