Just For A Moment

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Camila's PoV

Lauren was practically ripping my clothes off the moment we stepped into my childhood bedroom. I had no clue what had gotten into her but I wasn't going to complain. I was already topless and her hands were caressing my breasts.

"Remember that one time?" She breathed hotly, nipping at my pulse point while her hands drifted down my stomach and busied themselves on my belt buckle.

"I remember a lot of times." I whispered, tugging the bottom of her shirt up over her head.

"God that one time for my 18th birthday when you snuck into my room with nothing on but a trench coat," she growled and bit every inch of exposed skin she could find, helping me strip my jeans down my legs.

"How could I forget?" I gasped as she dropped to her knees, her lips pressing insistently on my stomach.

"And that fucking tie," she breathed, her nails scratching down the top of my thighs as she tugged at my underwear with her teeth. She moaned when my hands wove through her hair, pressing her closer to me.

Lauren slowly slid my underwear down one inch at a time and there I was, completely naked against the door, panting heavily. "Lauren." Her name bounced off the walls as I felt that talented tongue sliding graciously through the slickness of my folds, her hand slowly resting my leg over her shoulder.

"God." She moaned loudly. One of her hands drifted up my tensing stomach and cupped a breast as she worked her tongue over my clit softly. "I fucking crave you." She breathed.

I tugged on her hair and pulled her up, mashing our mouths together. As much fun as it would've been to be taken up against the door, I don't think it'd be quiet enough – not with the way she makes me thrash about.

I managed to devastate Lauren from all her clothing and soon we were on my twin size bed, slick bodies moving as one. Her lips wrapped around my earlobe and tugged on it while my own nails scratched down her back, arching into her body more.

Fuck I was on fire.

I hissed with pleasure as Lauren bit gently down on my hardening nipple. Her tongue bathed and soothed my want with light strokes and flickers across the tight skin.

Lauren smiled into my breast knowing that she could make this night go on forever if she wanted to. She had me right where she wanted me, squirming, writhing, whimpering, and...wet.

I gasped loudly when Lauren entered two fingers inside of me without any warning. My hips jerked upwards, accepting her fingers fully. "So wet..." I heard Lauren whisper against my skin.

Grazing her thumb along my clit, her fingers were in full concentration, exploring the softness and warmth of me. Using long smooth strokes and soft thrusts, I felt my inner walls contract around her fingers. She licked the beads of sweat that formed on my body, working between my breasts, dragging her tongue down across the quivering flat stomach. "So sweet..." She whimpered nipping the flesh between her teeth every now and then, making me hiss with pleasure.

My hands flew in Lauren's hair, my breathing was hoarse and all thought had left my mind, replaced by dancing colours and spots that flickered behind my eyelids. My hips moved in time with Lauren's soft thrusts perfectly; but I was urging her head to move lower to no avail. I felt the vibrations of her chuckle against my sensitive skin.

Silky skin moved across silky skin, breathing became in sync, and the high pitches and low groans and moans filled the small spacious bedroom at the Cabello's.

Her mouth drank from mine swallowing any sound I had made as a powerful whirlwind flashed through us both. Lauren's fingers slowed a bit inside me, totally unaware of the death grip I had her in.

My body quivered and shook violently as Lauren continued to stroke deep within, pressing down on my clit and gently massaging it. I rode out my orgasm along side her, holding on tightly, and breathing in and out of Lauren's mouth rapidly. My mind screamed; something my vocal chords would not allow me to do right at that moment.

"I love you." Lauren murmured, placing butterfly kisses all over my face, calming me down, and slowly slipping out of me.

I whimpered, pressing myself closely to her not wanting the feeling of warmth and completeness to leave me yet. "Just for a moment." My voice was barely audible, sighing in complete contentment when Lauren's hand stayed within the soft warm cove. "I love you too baby."

We curled up together to catch our breath.

I guess I had fallen asleep because I was woken up with lips trailing down my neck and fingers grazing the inside of my thigh. Lauren had been just as eager to go and I stifled a giggle as she shot horny daggers at me that told me shut up and fuck her.

Okay then.

I growled and flipped Lauren on her back, kissing her hard and deep.

Her back arched the moment I cupped her hot, wet center, sliding two fingers slowly inside. "Fuck Lo."

Sweat trailed down between Lauren's breasts. I groaned as her muscles clenched when I added a third finger into the silky wetness.

We both moaned deeply when I found her hard erect clit with my lips, sucking gently; teasing her.

Feeling Lauren squirm was pure pleasure and heaven.

She arched her back, her head thrashed from side to side when I put a little more pressure on her clit. A quiet whimper escaped her lips when I pulled back just as fast. "Camila..." Her voice was full of arousal, need, and plenty of warning. I knew if I didn't make my move soon, Lauren would flip me over and the slowness would be forgotten.

I looked up and grinned when I saw the creases on her forehead turn into a frown. Stilling my fingers inside the sleek warmth, I waited for a reaction from Lauren, and a reaction I got.

Lauren lifted her head from her damp pillow and glared at me, her voice so raspy and dark. "Why the fuck are you being so evi- fuck." I curled my fingers inside and began to slowly stroke that one sensitive spot.

My lips caught her clit again and Lauren tugged on my hair roughly, thrusting herself into me.

Playtime was definitely over.

Her breathing hitched when I moved faster and harder inside of her with a steady rhythm and the pressure on her clit increased when a thumb pressed down. I left the greatest dessert ever and hovered over her, watching her eyes squeeze shut and mouth let out a lot of real dirty words that made me blush.

She was fucking hot.

I kissed her deeply, causing us both to moan. My free hand braced myself above her, licking her top lip and then nipping at the bottom one. I felt Lauren's hands skim my sides with her nails, making my body shudder against her rapid thrusting hips. Then she cupped my breasts and squeezed with little force. I whimpered into her mouth when her fingers took each of my nipples and squeezed them with greater force. The pain turned into pleasure, my fingers inside Lauren drove deeper and I felt her tense and freeze.

God I loved making her lose total control.

Despite where we were, my name fell from her lips loudly in one long moan.

I collapsed on top of her and she clung to me tightly, her face buried in my neck while mine was tucked securely in hers.

I knew the night was far from over and I knew that once she had a chance to catch her breath, she'd be ready to go again.

How did I know?

Her hips were still jerking slightly and she whispered in my ear not to fall asleep.

I grinned and inhaled her sweet scent.

There was nothing like having sex under your parents' roof.

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