And She Returns

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Camila's PoV

"Mommy booboo?" Lucas frowned and pointed to the bandage wrapped around my knee. Her grey eyes lit up a whole room and though I was depressed about my career coming to an end, I felt rather blessed at having more time to spend with my daughter.

"I'll be okay baby," I smiled and kissed her on the forehead.

"Wuc Wuc!" Anton came barrelling out of the kitchen and grabbed Lucas' hand. "Pway!"

"Wow," I grinned as Kyla sat down a tray of crackers and cheese, Austin bringing the Iced Tea right behind her, "He's a little rowdy this morning, isn't he?"

"Always." Austin smirked and patted my good leg. "So listen, Kyla and I are thinking of having the wedding here, what do you think?"

"My parents place?" I raised an eyebrow. "Isn't it kind of small?"

"God no," Kyla laughed, "Anton! Do not play on the stairs, how many times do I have to tell you!"

"Sowwy momma!" Anton quickly apologized to his mother and grabbed Lucas' hand, pulling her away from the stairs. They sat down on the play mat and started to build things with blocks.

"We have a small guest list," Kyla continued the conversation without missing a beat, "we'd have it at his parents' place but they chose that date to renovate it."

"They offered to lend it out afterwards," Austin shrugged, "but we've already booked things in advance and some places have fees for cancellation."

"Plus we want to get married sooner, right hon?" Kyla smiled and kissed Austin's cheek.

"Well it's about damn time," I mumbled with a grin, "I'm surprised you never pulled a Naley and eloped."

"Please, as romantic as that was," Kyla smirked, "we have more class."

"You're going to have the wedding here," I frowned slightly, "who's on the guest list?"

I bit the inside of my cheek at the mention of a few family members from Austin's side. When I thought of my male best friend, I thought of Kyla. A few years ago when I thought of my male best friend, I thought of his gorgeous brunette cousin .

"Your parents, Sofi and his girlfriend, Austin's parents of course," Kyla tapped her lips, "Sofi and Sammy."

"Sofi?" I swallowed.

"Yea," Kyla nodded, "your mom said she gave her the invite. Look," she sighed, "I know that you two aren't exactly on speaking terms but Sofi is a part this family too and despite how we used to treat her growing up, she's still like my little sister."

I nodded. "I know."

"The invitation didn't get extended if that's what you're worried about," Austin offered quietly, "she's not coming."

She as in Lauren.

"You guys," I sighed heavily, "if you want her here, that's okay."

"I don't." Austin frowned.

"But she's your cousin." I frowned in confusion.

"And you're our best friend, Mila." He continued on. "I know I was a bastard in school towards you two. I felt betrayed by her, not you. Then I realized I was being the same person she was. But she stole your heart and you were happy and somewhere down the line she threw it back and broke you."

"Aus," I groaned and rubbed my forehead, "holding a grudge is a little petty after four years, don't you think?"

"Maybe," Kyla pushed and grabbed my hand, "but still, we could admit at being a little selfish and say the other reason she's not coming is because we want it drama free."

"Drama? What is life without drama?" We all whipped around to see Sofi standing in the doorway. Her long black hair flowed just below her ribs and she was a lot taller than I remembered. Damn, three and half years of not seeing your own sister could really change your perspective on things.

"Sofi!" Kyla was the first one to run and hug her. "I thought you weren't flying in until next week?"

"I wasn't going too," her eyes never left mine, "but I think it was time."

I blinked and frowned as she put down her bags and stepped closer. She looked sad and guilty. I wanted to hate her still. I wanted her to know that the words she said to me last were more than painful but I couldn't. She was my little sister and as much as she pissed me off, she was Sofi.

"Camila," my name fell from her lips and tears began to spill, "I'm so so sorry." She cried and dropped to her knees, her head in my lap.

I swallowed and watched as Kyla and Austin ushered the kids into the kitchen.

"I know you probably hate me-" Her grey eyes were blurred through tears and I instantly wiped them away.

"Hate you?" I frowned and shook my head. "Sofi, I don't hate you."

"I left you. I said horrible things that I can't take back!"

"You're right," I licked my lips and cupped her thinner face, "you said things that cut deep but it's over now."

I wanted to show that I could be the bigger person and just allow time to move forward. Dwelling in the past was stupid and made no room for making things better. I wanted to show her that I knew that. That it was how I felt.

"I've missed you." Sofi whimpered and stood up, "and why did you go and do that to yourself?"

I chuckled through my own tears and grabbed my crutches, hoisting myself up. "Things got a little too rough."

"Things are never too rough for you." Sofi smiled and wiped my own straying tears away.

"God look at you," I whispered in awe, "you've grown up a lot."

"I'm hot." Sofi shrugged and smirked. "I know, I've lived with Laur-"

"Yeah." I cut her off with a weak smile. I wanted to ask her how she was doing. I wanted know, really, I did. But I couldn't bring myself around to asking.

Not yet anyway.

"Mommy?" Lucas came into the room quietly, her grey eyes questioning the 'stranger' standing in front of me.

Sofi gasped and held a hand over her mouth before looking at me. "Is this...?"

"Lucas," I sat back down and pulled my three year old on my lap carefully, "this is my sister, your Auntie Sofi."

"Oh you're beautiful." Sofi got back down on her knees and inspected the tiny blonde.

"You dot dwey eyes." Lucas murmured and pointed to her own. "Me too."

"Yea," Sofi whispered in awe, "oh God Camila, I'm so sorry for not being here."

I just shook my head and watched as Lucas crawled out of my lap and into Sofi's, studying her face.


Sometimes it was easier to just forgive then relive.


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