Two Hot Brunettes With Benefits

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Camila's PoV

It was moments like that when I felt everything else in the world disappear. Her hair was silky, falling between my fingers and her lips were the smoothest I have felt in a long time. Her own fingertips dug into my hips as I pushed her harder against the wall.

"God I can do this all night with you," she groaned when I nipped my way down her neck and back up to her sweet mouth.

"I can't have you staying." I pulled back from her lips as she gave me a confused look.

"I thought you said your sister had the girls for the night?" Aimee frowned and tucked hair behind her ear.

"Sofi and Tracey have to be up early to catch a flight to Ottawa," I shook my head, "they're bringing the girls back here when the movie is over."

"Well shit Mila," she groaned and pushed herself away from the wall, buttoning her shirt back up, "here I thought we were going to have the whole night."

I tilted my head to the side. "Since when do we do all nighters?"

"I figured that's what you meant when you said you had the house to yourself!" She argued back and threw herself in the recliner.

"That would make this," I pointed between us, "a relationship and way too complicated."

Aimee shrugged and looked up at me with her green eyes. "I guess."

"We agreed..." I stressed and she stood up quickly, nodding her head.

"I know." She sighed and rubbed her forehead.

"Sleepovers are not something we do," I stressed again, "I can't have you in my bed in the morning and have the girls find you there. Luc would be asking so many questions."

"Don't you think I know that?" Aimee laughed and rubbed her hands together. "It's just since Dylan moved in with you, I never get to see you anymore."

It was my turn to sigh as I sat down on the couch, playing with the fabric. "I'm sure you have other women you court around." I said softly.

"Does that make you jealous?" Aimee asked, raising her eyebrow.

"No," I shook my head and leaned forward, "I'm just saying that you couldn't have missed me that much."

"Well I did." She nodded her head firmly and glanced at the clock. "I should get going. If you don't want anyone to know about us then it'd be best if I skidaddle before the family comes home." Aimee grabbed her coat and keys from the vanity and turned to face me.

"Aimee," I lifted her chin up and pressed a soft kiss against her cheek, lingering for a few seconds, "they won't be back for at least another hour." I didn't wait for her reaction before trapping her in-between myself and the hallway wall, my lips hard on hers. She let out a sexy growl and arched her body into mine. "Bedroom." I whispered against her lips and pulled back.

Her green eyes clouded over as she licked her lips. "Lead the way." She whispered huskily and took my hand as she followed me towards the bedroom.


I heard the door open and close, groaning as the aching muscles in my back pulled. I blinked and found the one side of my bed empty. Sitting up, I looked at the clock and realized it was just after three in the morning. "Shit." I muttered, cursing inside as well at the fact that I had allowed myself to fall asleep with Aimee beside me. "Shit." I muttered again, knowing that there was a slight chance Lucas or Dylan could've seen me.

The lights turned on in the room and there stood Sofi with a smug smirk on her face. "Who the hell was that brunette bombshell?"

"Sofi," I groaned, "not now."

"Seriously," she pushed forward and sat at the end of the bed, "who was that? I never knew you had a woman!"

"That's because I don't." I reached over the bed with the sheet wrapped around my body and grabbed my shirt, tugging it on before grabbed a pair of pants that were tossed at the side.

"Really?" Sofi rolled her eyes. "She snuck out with a shirt that wasn't buttoned up and her jeans were still practically around her ankles."

"We fell asleep." I shrugged, trying to seem like it didn't bother me. "And anyway, shouldn't you be in bed with your woman because of the early flight you have?"

"Meh," she smiled and nodded towards the pillow beside me, "so really, who is she?"

"A stress reliever." I smirked and winked. "I scratch her back, she scratches mine – literally."

"Ew." Sofi shot up and laughed quietly. "So she's not a girlfriend?"

"I haven't had a girlfriend since Katie," I scratched the back of my neck, "you know, the hot brunette figure skater?"

"I remember," Sofi nodded and smiled softly, "she was sweet."

"Too bad that one never worked out." I shrugged.

"That was over four years ago." Sofi frowned and scratched her head. "How long have you been seeing this brunette?"

"A couple of months," I whispered.

"A couple of months and I never even knew about her until now?" Sofi gasped as she gave me this 'I can't believe you' look.

"Because we're not together." I frowned. "No one knows... except Jaiden and her parents."

"Mila!" My sister shook her head and laughed slightly. "I can't believe you of all people are doing the whole 'friends with benefits' thing with that wicked hot brunette – and not telling me about it!"

"Can we please leave that one alone?" I raised an eyebrow and she nodded, sulking slightly. "And her name is Aimee."

"Ohh," my sister chuckled, "so you actually know her name."

"Funny." I deadpanned and grabbed Sofi by the shoulders. "Now get out of my room before you wake up the girls."

"Me?" She hissed. "You're just lucky I poked my head in earlier before those two did. A half naked woman sprawled out against your blankets..."

"Out." I shoved her out the door and quietly shut it, leaning against it. Sometimes it felt the little sister in her never really grew up. I found it rather adorable yet annoying at the same time.


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