Green Eyed Girl

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Camila's PoV

"Pick it up!" Dylan screamed from the ice as Lucas passed her the puck. "Yes!" She squealed as the puck landed against her stick and she skated down the rink.

I smirked when she sent the slap shot flying towards the goalie and set it up perfectly for Lucas to swipe it and shoot the puck between the goalie's legs.

"Yes!" Dylan high fived the brunette and laughed as the woman behind the goalie mask skated after them on the rink.

Finally, I found all three ladies by my side and Lucas tugged on my old jersey. "Can Dylan and I skate a bit more?" I nodded and she grinned, taking Dylan by the hand. "Come on Dyl!"

The 'goalie' took her mask off and she laughed. "Wow Mila, got yourself a handful with the skaters."

God I missed her.

"They're great." I smiled and patted her hand. "It was really nice of you to come out on your time off."

Normani nudged me and looped her arm through mine. "We're best friends. Well you're my best friend and I missed you and Luc." She shrugged with a grin and averted her eyes to the two girls skating around the ice. "The little one is a cutie," she frowned slightly, "I thought you said you weren't going to take any more kids in?"

I nodded and sighed heavily. "I did say that but she's special."

Special as in Lauren's daughter.

Normani nodded slowly before taking off her gear and sitting beside me. "I've been away far too long because I know that look in your eye and you're not telling me everything."

"My dad called me a few months ago," I started out slowly and looked at her, "he said there was an important case and that Dylan needed a really good home. She had been in too many abusive homes for the past year and I guess he felt she'd be safer here."

"Where is she originally from?" Normani asked softly.

"I'm going to guess B.C., but her file says they were living in Brandon, Manitoba when Dylan was taken away." I watched as Lucas taught Dylan how to stop sharply without falling. I could hear their laughter echo through the arena and it warmed my heart.

"Every child is special," Normani nodded, "but what made her so special that it completely changed your mind about having more foster kids?"

"I just met with her one day and pretty much fell in love." I honestly could admit that much but now I knew why.

She was Lauren's daughter.

I was still getting over the shock and as much as I wanted answers, I was still too angry to speak to Sofi.

"She's um," I scratched my chin and let out a small nervous chuckle, "she's actually uh, Leigh Avery's daughter."

Normani raised an eyebrow and nodded slowly but I knew she wasn't following. "I don't know a Leigh Avery. I know a Kim Avery and man the things that woman could do with her tongue-"

"Normani!" I laughed and she shrugged, smirking.

"Oh whatever, you would've enjoyed it to if you weren't so into Aimee." She whispered.

"I'm not into Aimee," I sighed heavily and shook my head, "let's not get off focus here, we're talking about Dylan's mother."

"Well like I said, I don't know a Leigh Avery." Normani shrugged again and watched as Dylan did another slap shot. "Go Dylan!" She hollered and I grinned. "So who is she?"

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