Scribbled Note

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Sofi's PoV

The pounding in my head wasn't the first thing I noticed when I woke up. No, the left side of the bed being empty was. The bedside clock's bold green letters blinked hauntingly back at me; 6:09am.

Tracey wasn't in bed with me and the whole house sounded eerily quiet. I sat up and my heart pounded hard in my chest when I noticed the closet door wide open and Tracey's clothes gone completely. The dresser drawers were slightly open; making it known that nothing of hers was left there either.

I ran quickly to the bathroom only to find all of stuff gone as well. Pulling on an oversized t-shirt, I made my way downstairs.

Everything that didn't seem so real the night before, became a crashing reality right in front of my eyes. On the counter by the coffee pot was a silver diamond engagement ring, two sets of keys; one for the house and one for the jeep, and a short scribbled note.

Wish it didn't have to end this way. Find yourself and be happy.

- Trace

Did I deserve to cry? I had everything, didn't I? A nice house, a loving fiancée, friends and family. My sister was talking to me again and I gained my surrogate niece back.

I messed it all up in the first place. It wasn't just about the lying to Camila and Lauren; that was just the tip of it all.

I was so lost in myself. I didn't even think before I acted or spoke. I didn't care how I would go about things just as long as it didn't affect me. I didn't stop to realize that in the process of protecting myself, I was hurting those who meant the world to me.

Tracey and Sammy were a big part of that. Lauren was a part of that and Camila got it the worst because we were blood.


I watched how things were so torn up between Lauren and Austin when Camila was first involved. I swore I'd never let that happen and yet, I did and I was barely aware of it. If I was, I just didn't care enough to notice.

Tracey was perfect. She wasn't afraid to tell me where to go if I was pissing her off. She wasn't afraid to hurt my feelings and that was why it broke my heart even more when she was so heartbroken the night before.

She could've been meaner and proved a harsher point. She could've just left and never came back and be completely validated. Yet, she let it all out gently and cried and then took me to bed as if I were the one heartbroken.

I threw the spare keys across the room and fell down to my knees, crying. So maybe I didn't deserve to cry – but the tears weren't for me.

Tracey was the best part of my recent life and I screwed it up. I let her get away and I knew there was nothing I could do about it.

I had to let her go because in the end, Tracey was a really beautiful woman who deserved more than playing a key to the happiness in my life. Just because I couldn't have who I wanted, it didn't mean that she had to take second place.

She needed more. She wanted more and I wanted her to have it.

I knew it'd hit me a lot harder once the day wore on. I was still in shock, I barely remembered showering and driving over to my parents' place. It wasn't even seven in the morning yet and I heard hushed voices coming from the kitchen.

"Hey Sofi," Camila greeted me quietly with a smile, her hand laced with Lauren's as they sat at the kitchen table.

"Hey." I gave a small smile back and grabbed myself a cup of coffee before joining them.

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