My Place

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Lauren's PoV

Since Camila went to the café right after she got off work, she wanted to go home and change quickly. I didn't mind what she wore but that was one of the 'girly' sides of Camila. She liked to look good.

For me.

What? It was true. She had admitted it and I was the exact same way.

I waited patiently in my hotel room since she had insisted on picking me up. Okay, so I changed and made myself look good as well. The weather was freezing outside but I still managed to put on a white fitted sweater and a light pair of denim jeans. Camila complimented my black studded belt so I threw that on for good measure as well. My hair was pulled back a bit, allowing the loose wavy curls to frame my face yet expose my neck at the same time.

Finally, there was a knock at the door and I grinned, trying to act casual when I opened it to reveal a breathtaking beautiful brunette standing there with a small bouquet of orchids. Camila was decked out in black, making her look sleeker and the dark colour contrasted perfectly with her rosy cheeks and bright bluish grey eyes. "Wow," I breathed and Camila licked her lips, nodding in agreement.

"You look amazing." She whispered and handed me the flowers.

"Thank you," I blushed a little and stepped aside, allowing her to come in while I grabbed my coat, "I didn't think you could get anymore gorgeous."

"Really?" Camila tilted her head with a shy grin. "You should see me in a dress."

One day, Camz.

One day.

I just laughed softly and put the orchids on the dresser. I slipped my coat on and made sure I had my keys and soon found myself walking down the long corridor with my hand in hers.

"So I was thinking we'd have some dinner," Camila smiled, squeezing my hand, "I know the girls ate after school but I didn't see any food in front of you."

"I wasn't hungry." I shrugged and shivered as soon as the cold air hit our skin. "But I am now."

"You need to eat." Camila joked lightly as she poked my skinny stomach. "You are taking care of yourself, right?"

"Yes mother." I rolled my eyes and noticed her stop and glare seriously at me. "Yes baby," I whispered, cupping her cheek gently, "I am taking care of myself."

"Good." Camila nodded, believing me instantly. That feeling alone made me float even higher. "I'd hate to really have to beat your ass if you aren't."

"No beatings necessary." I chuckled and thanked her as she opened the door to her Blazer for me.

"It's no mustang," she quipped with a wink, "but you know what they say, it's not the type of vehicle you drive that counts – it's who's behind the wheel."

"Huh," I frowned mockingly, "don't think I've ever heard that one before."

Camila let out a carefree laugh and made her way out of the parking lot.

The drive was comfortably quiet. I watched the buildings on Main Street pass me by with their pretty Christmas displays already set up. "So where are we going?" I asked as we started to head towards Keewatin.

"My Place." Camila shrugged with a soft smile.

"Your place?" I raised an eyebrow. "You wanted to go home and get dressed up just to go back there?"

Camila laughed and shook her head. "No," she grinned, "My Place is a small restaurant in Keewatin. They have the best chicken parmesan pasta."

"Oh." I blushed, feeling a little more than embarrassed. "What a name for a restaurant."

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