Maybe It's Just Me

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Sofi's PoV

I tossed my head back and laughed as the cute brunette touched my arm, laughing as well at the joke that was thrown out there by some other groupie.

"So Sofi, is the tour bus ready?" Cute brunette batted her long eyelashes at me and I smiled, touching her cheek and pressing my lips to her ear.

"Not for you sweetheart." I murmured and she pulled back, looking somewhat defeated.

"Sofia Isabella Cabello." Sammy's voice boomed through the swarm of ladies that surrounded me. She looked a little pissed and I couldn't blame her. I was supposed to meet her out back and instead got caught up in the sea of women.

"Samantha," I smiled, trying not to make a scene, "I was just coming to get you."

Sammy rolled her eyes and tapped her watch. "You do realize I have a flight to catch in a few hours? I was hoping to at least get some alone time with my girlfriend ." She emphasized the last word and looked at the other women around me. "But it seems you have your hands full."

"No!" I rushed and caught her by the wrist. "I'm sorry, they are fans that wanted attention." I whispered.

Sammy cocked an eyebrow and shook her head, laughing slightly. "I'm your girlfriend who wants your attention. Seems your priorities are somewhere else." She continued to walk away and I swallowed, following her like a lost puppy that had just been kicked. "Go away Sofi." She said in a hurry as she swung the large steel door open, both of us taking a deep breath of the fresh air.

"Please," I pleaded quietly and she spun around to stare at me, "I've missed you."

"I could tell." Sammy sighed, somewhat defeated as she bit her lip. "I skipped two finals to come see you this weekend and I've seen you a total of ten hours. Five of them sleeping and two of them watching you in concert."

I swallowed and noticed tears fill up in her eyes. "Sam," I whispered again, stepping closer to her, "come here."

"No." Sammy shook her head and stepped away, pulling a pair of sunglasses over her eyes. "I'm proud of you Sofi, I am," she whispered, "I've watched you blossom into a beautiful musician who takes her talent seriously." Her eyes were covered and I couldn't see them, it bothered me but every time I stepped closer to her, she'd step back. "I'm going to go to Greece and do some work and research there this summer," she sniffled and looked away before her eyes became clear again, her sunglasses now on top of her head, "I can't do this anymore."

"What?" I asked, frowning.

"This!" Sammy said loudly, twirling around with her hair flowing behind her. "God Sofi, you have lost yourself in all of this."

"I am right here." I grabbed her by the shoulders gently and she stopped her movements, staring at me. "See? I'm right. Here."

"Why don't you take a break?" She finally said, casting her eyes downwards, almost shyly.

"A break. I can't take a break, I'm in the middle of a huge tour and I fly out to Japan next week!" My eyes widened at the thought of leaving millions of fans disappointed.

"You'd rather leave than be with me?" Her voice sounded hurt.

"Sam you can't ask me to choose between this and you. You just said you were proud of me." I crossed my arms.

"Well I'm sorry okay?" Sammy hollered and laughed as if it was the funniest thing in the world. "I'm only human. I miss my girlfriend and all I wanted to do was just be with her. Is that too much for a girl to ask?"

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