Ten Feet Off The Ground

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Jaiden's PoV

Friday afternoon and I had no plans for the evening. I slammed my locker door shut and made my way towards the music room, hoping I'd catch Lauren before she left. I hoped she had plans with Camila because I could use the girls' company.

"Hey Jaiden." I whirled around to find Eliza standing by the music door with her drumsticks twirling around in her hand. "Waiting for Miss Jauregui?"

"Yeah." I breathed and bit my lip, trying not to stare at her perfectly freckled face and gorgeous eyes.


I was reducing myself to mush.

Well, it was technically her fault.

Standing there looking like that.

"She's just on the phone," my raven haired beauty smiled shyly and let her bag slip to the floor while she leaned against the wall more, "I was uh, just grabbing a guitar."

"Oh? Me too." I smiled and leaned against the other side of the door.

Liar. I already had one.

It was a gift from Camila and Lucas.

"I thought you told Miss Jauregui you could bring in your own if she was short handed?" She quirked a teasing eyebrow and smiled innocently when I coward backwards.

"Right." I swallowed and nodded. "So you pay attention in class."

"With a teacher like Miss Jauregui, wouldn't you?" Eliza blushed slightly and looked away.

So I had a chance.

"Definitely." I nodded and laughed, trying to ease the tensions of embarrassment.

We stood there silently for a few minutes before Lauren opened the music room door, surprised to find the both of us standing there. "Oh, girls, come in." She followed us into the big room and smiled.

"I was hoping I could sign out the guitar for the weekend." Eliza bit her lip.

"Of course." Lauren laughed softly and then averted her eyes to me. "And let me guess, you want a ride to Rapture?"

"Actually mom was pretty cool this morning and let me drop her off at work so I could take the car." I grinned. "I was hoping Lucas and Dylan were free tonight."

Lauren had a surprised look on her face. "I think so, why?"

"I miss those brats." I shrugged and sat down in a chair, subtly checking out Eliza as she bent over to pick up the drumsticks she dropped.

"Well I think Camila is coaching a game of theirs tonight." Lauren closed her files and shoved them in her briefcase. "But you're more than welcome to come to the game and hang out with them afterwards."

"You and Mila have no plans afterwards?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.

"Jai," she sighed and rolled her eyes, "not everything is about sex with us."

"No," I agreed, "but most things are about sex with Camila when it comes to you." I shrugged. "Just because I'm not seen, does not mean I cannot hear. I have two lesbians as parents and it's a known fact with those three, well four including Normani, that sex is pretty much all they talk about."

"Really?" Curiosity got the best of her and she sat down beside me, leaning forward and waiting for me to continue.

"Gross, I'm not going to tell you what they say." I pushed her lightly away and laughed.

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