Please Spare Me

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Sofia's PoV

"Mom? Dad?" I threw my keys on the kitchen table and frowned, taking in the empty room. My parents usually joined us for a day of sliding but they both wanted to stay behind and set up for the New Year's party they were throwing for the family.

It wasn't every day you finally get all of your children and grandchildren under one roof.

I heard someone rustling in the living room and made my way in there. I swear to the Lesbian God herself, if my parents were going at it and I walked in on them, I'd curse her up and down ten times over.

"Mom? Dad?" I called out again, a little softer.

"I think they went to the corner store." I heard her voice and jumped when she appeared from the hallway. "They let me in because I don't have my house keys and you weren't home..."

"Tracey?" My heart started to pick up pace when I walked closer to her.

"Sofi?" She teased lightly before I stepped in front of her. "Wow, you look really good."

"Thanks." I smiled almost shyly before taking her hands in mine. "You look amazing." And she did, her hair was down and framing her face perfectly. "When did you get in?"

"About an hour ago." She bit her lip. "I tried breaking into the house but it didn't go so well. I figured you'd be here but I wanted to shower and change first. I had two flights to catch to get here."

"Aw baby," I whispered with a smile, wrapping my arms around her waist, "you have no idea how good it is to see you again."

Tracey nodded. "I think I have a pretty good idea." She looked around and raised an eyebrow. "Where is everyone?"

"Johnny's." I mumbled. "I didn't really feel like sitting around eating fries and onion rings."

"Liar, you live for Johnny's food when you're home." Tracey smiled and squeezed my hand.

"Well now that you're here I definitely don't want to go." I brushed her loose curls away from her face. "I'd like to go home."

"Sounds good to me." She smiled and grabbed the bags that managed to go unnoticed when I first entered the house. I helped her pile them in the jeep and we silently made our way back to our home.

I figured she'd be hungry so I was deciding on what to make her for lunch when I felt warm hands slide under my shirt and a kiss pressed lightly on the back of my neck. "I think you need to follow me into the bedroom," Tracey whispered and I happily followed her.

Three and a half hours later, I was stepping out of a hot shower. I smiled and sighed, realizing that I had missed spending time alone with my fiancée. I missed feeling her and hearing her.

"Your mom just called," Tracey said, coming up behind me and placing the phone on the bathroom counter, "she wants to know if we'll be making it to the party because your dad pretty much made enough food to feed an army."

"He always makes more than enough food." I chuckled, brushing the last of the tangles out of my hair. I noticed she was already changed and ready to go. "I'm guessing since you distracted me from making you lunch, you're hungry and wanna go pronto?"

"Precisely." Tracey winked and grabbed her make-up bag before taking off towards the bedroom.

After I was changed and my make-up was applied, I sat in the kitchen waiting for Tracey to get off the phone with her parents.

"There you are!" Sammy flew into the house, throwing her set of keys in her pocket. "Sinu figured you'd be here. I tried calling you a thousand times and you never answered your phone, I was getting worried."

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