The Great Detective Cabello

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Camila's PoV

"Mom, are we going to be able to see Uncle Austin and Aunt Kyla this Christmas?" Lucas asked, eating an apple in the back seat.

"Of course," I smiled and parked in the driveway.

"Who are Uncle Austin and Aunt Kyla?" Dylan asked, as we scooted out of the Blazer.

"Aunt Kyla is mom's best friend." Lucas grinned, "Uncle Austin is her husband."

"Oh." Dylan shrugged and grabbed her small backpack. "I have homework Camila, can you help me?"

"Of course sweetie." I smiled and the three of us made our way into the house. I hung up my coat and sluggishly made my way up to my bedroom. I stopped at the doorway and grinned as the bed that was usually made every morning, remained messy.

Two sweaty, tangled bodies made love in that bed the night before. I closed my eyes and shivered.

"Mom?" Lucas poked my hip and grinned when I yelped. "Did you forget to make your bed this morning?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Huh?" I laughed and quickly throw the cover over the bedspread, patting down the pillows. "Oh uh yea, I missed the alarm."

"Oh," her grey eyes gleamed back at me mischievously, "I heard it go off." She stifled her giggles at my horrid expression.

"Well yea, but then I fell back asleep." I cleared my throat and blew strands of hair from my eyes. "I'm going to change Lucas, please grab your homework and get started?"

Lucas saluted me and skipped out of my room, closing the door behind her.

I threw myself back on my messy bed and let out a long sigh, the events of the night before and the day I had had, wearing thin on me. My eyes closed and soon I was lost in a world of Lauren-filled dreams.

I woke up to darkness. "Shit," I muttered and quickly changed my clothes. The house was eerily quiet and I found both girls' bedrooms empty and untouched. Downstairs was pretty much the same way.

I found a note placed neatly on the breakfast bar.


Told you that a nap was going to be needed. I took the girls to Rapture and don't worry, I made them bring their homework – much to their whining.

See you later, gorgeous.

xo Lo

Did I mention how impossibly in love I was?

I clutched the note to my chest and smiled.

A knock at the door made me jump slightly and I rushed to open it. "Hey Normani."

"Hey." Her smile wasn't as bright as it usually was.

"What's wrong?" I frowned.

"Sam left me." Normani hung her head and I raised an eyebrow.

"Shit I'm sorry." I pulled her into a hug.

"Yea, she went to New Zealand for a week and I couldn't even convince her to stay." She mumbled into my neck.

"So she didn't leave you, leave you?" I pulled back, quirking an eyebrow.

"What?" Normani finally let out a laugh. "Girl, if you would've given me the chance to show you how good in bed I am then you would know why Sam wouldn't leave me."

"Bitch." I pushed her away. "And here I thought you meant she broke up with you!"

"Ha." Normani smirked and shrugged. "Still, I'm sad Cabello, make me feel better."

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