All In A Day, Part One

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Sofi's PoV

It was my last concert for the next two months. I was heading home soon and a part of me was glad that music was being put on hold.

I should have been the one to make contact with everyone, since I was the one who had things to be sorry for.

I sighed in frustration as I missed the one note I perfected so long ago. The rehearsal I was in sucked big time.

"What's up?" Tracey asked with concern as she walked out onto the stage and grabbed the mic away from me. "You're not on your game tonight."

"I know," I groaned, "I just haven't been feeling it."

"Babe," she sighed and placed a caring hand on my back, "we don't have to go anywhere you don't want too."

"Anywhere meaning Kenora, right?" I looked at her and shook my head. "I know they're all just going to shun me."

"Maybe." She shrugged and followed me slowly as I paced. "Your parents want you back home, maybe you can go see them first?"

"My mom will just grill me about why Camila and I haven't been talking. I'm sure she talks to Mila all the time."

"Oh stop it," Trace stopped and made me turn around to look at her, "you're throwing this self-pity party and I'm not buying into it. You kept things from your sister and your best friend, maybe for all the wrong reasons that you felt were right at the time, but don't go making that an excuse."

I stared at her and frowned, tugging my arm away slightly. "I am not throwing a self-pity party."

"Yea, you are." Tracey shook her head and never made the attempt to pull me close again. "Sofi, everyone has had a say in this whole secret. Camila could've found a way to tell Lauren and Lauren could've found a way to tell Camila. You can't keep putting this all on your shoulders like it's all your fault."

I remained there, just staring.

"I'm going to go and let you get this rehearsal done," she whispered softly, her fingers pulling me close by my belt loops, "please don't be mad at me," her lips fell to the corner of my mouth, "please?"

I smiled a little and wrapped my arms around her strong hips. "I'm not," I said quietly, "I'm just irritated with myself."

Tracey nodded and kissed me directly on the lips that time. "I understand."

"Please don't go?" I asked as I pulled out of the kiss. "I'll nail it this time."

She grinned and nodded, passing me the mic back. "Hurry up cause I'm hungry."

I shook my head and gave myself another shot at the note I never once missed.


Camila's PoV

"Not there," I moaned softly and exhaled slowly as fingers pressed harder into my back, "oh God, right there."

She chuckled and pushed deeper, adjusting herself on top of me. "Damn, you are tense."

"I know." I groaned and allowed my head to fall into the pillow below me as she shifted once again.

"Breathe out," she whispered and I did, knowing exactly what she was doing. Then I felt the popping go all the way up my spine as she applied more pressure, "babe, you really need to see a chiropractor."

I pouted and rolled to my side, looking up at Normani. "I don't want too."

"You need too." She laughed and stood up, handing me a glass of water.

"But they hurt me."

"That's because you're always so tense. You should be used to the pain." Her grey eyes danced with mischief.

I scowled and grabbed the pillow from off the floor and threw it on the couch. "Why are you here anyway?"

"Is that the thanks I get for giving you a chance to have these," she waved her fingers in the air, "on you?"

I snorted and pushed her out of my way slightly. "In your dreams."

"We've been over this already, always in my dreams." Carmen pouted and sat on the couch, her feet propped up on the coffee table. "Your brats are gone, you were here alone... why the hell isn't Lauren around?"

I grinned. "She will be coming for dinner tonight."

"Oh, but the girls are gone and you're here alone..." Normani raised an eyebrow. "Where is Lauren?"

"Where's Sammy?" I smirked when she shut her mouth quickly. "Lucas told me that she saw you with her at the movies last night."

"So?" She shifted and stared at the TV, which was turned off.

"Nothing." I shrugged.

"She's with Jaiden." Normani sighed. "Early afternoon movie."

"Ah," I nodded, "you do know that Sammy doesn't feel anything for Jaiden, right? You're getting upset over nothing."

"I'm not upset!" Normani glared at me. "I mean, I'm not upset."

"Clearly." I drew out the word with a slow nod. "You really like her."

"So?" She mumbled and played with the couch material. "What's not to like?"

I grinned and sat down next to her. "You should bring her over for dinner tonight."

"Really?" Normani's eyes lit up instantly.

"Yea, Lauren is helping me make the food and Ryn's coming over with her new boyfriend. You know how much I love cooking anyway, I don't mind making an extra plate."

"Are you sure?"

"Normani," I laughed, "you're my best friend and so is Sammy, both of you are welcome here whenever."

"No teenagers allowed?" She pouted. I could not believe she was so jealous over something that would never happen.

"None." I crossed my heart.

"Sweet!" Normani cheered and stood up, looking out the window. "So, it's a nice day out, no kids around..." she bit her lip and walked closer to me. "We should stretch and strain our muscles while we groan and moan..."

I stood up and smiled coyly, tugging on the collar of her shirt, bringing her ear to my lips. "Last one to the ice has to shovel," I whispered and pushed her back before running to grab my hockey gear.

"Bitch!" Normani hissed and scurried to get her own gear together as well.

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