First Heartbreak

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Jaiden's PoV

I glanced at her slightly from across the room. Seemed Eliza had been trying to avoid me and I couldn't understand why. I had to admit things were rough, especially after she came out to her parents without letting me know. I got a phone call telling me she needed a place to crash and luckily my parents were understanding enough to lend her the couch. That had been well over a week ago.

However, since that night she'd been distant, more so than usual. Her clothes were at my house, her belongings were at my house, she was living with me but I rarely saw her. She'd make plans with her other friends before it was time to go home from school and when she would be in for the night, she claimed she had homework to do and was tired.

It was more than frustrating and my parents picked up on it. Their efforts to talk to Eliza were rebuffed and everyone seemed on edge under the roof.

Tapping my pencil against my music stand, I sighed heavily and threw my head back. I was exhausted. It wasn't easy having your girlfriend ignore you. It left me wondering briefly if that's what we even were anymore.

"Wynters." Lauren tapped my stand, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Did you hear a word I said?"

"No." I sat up straight and looked at her apologetically. "I'm sorry Miss Jauregui."

Her gaze softened and I could only assume my parents talked to her and Camila about everything that had been happening. "Please try and focus." She said in a softer tone and pointed towards the scale in my music book. "We're going to be working on some new stuff but what I want from you guys is a small self-written piece of music to be presented to me by next Friday."

The class groaned and Lauren just gave them her charming smile and made her way up to the front of the class. "I won't be mean and make you perform it in front of the class. We'll set up private sessions that'll probably carry out until next Tuesday. Don't let that be a reason to procrastinate. I'll be choosing students randomly so be prepared."

The bell rang and most of the class moved quickly to put their instruments away while others took their time, in no hurry to rush for lunch.

I was one of the ones trying to pack my things up in hurry so I could catch my girlfriend before she randomly disappeared again.

"Jaiden, a word?" Lauren approached me in the middle of my fast attempt to get my guitar put in its case.

I shook my head when I caught Eliza leaving quickly. "Not now." I muttered, dropping everything in my hands to chase after the girl who had stolen my heart. "Lize!" I caught up to her and gently turned her around, trying not to look hurt when she flinched at my touch. "What's the hurry?" I asked surprisingly calm.

"Plans Jaiden." Her voice held some coldness to it and I stepped back.

The confusion I had was turning into anger because as much as I tried to understand, I couldn't. Not at that moment. "If I did anything to piss you off, just let me know." I crossed my arms around my chest.

"Do we have to do this here?" She asked and swallowed, glancing around the hallway.

"If not here then where, Eliza? You won't talk to me at home." I couldn't help but raise my voice a little.

"Jaiden, just drop it."

"Drop what?" I asked and threw my hands up in the air. "You haven't given me anything to drop. I'm empty handed. I don't know what's going on with you or why you're ignoring me all the fucking time." My body reached its breaking point and a flash of concern washed across her face. "I care about you, why can't you see that it hurts me, that you're hurting me."

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