Sleepless In Camila's Bed

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Camila's PoV

She sat there quietly, looking at the fire that was glaring back at her. I smiled and finished drying my dampened hair before tossing the towel towards the laundry room. I sat down and tucked away an almost dry curl from her face. "What are you thinking about?" I whispered and her green eyes searched mine.

"You." She replied softly and licked her lips. "Thank you for tonight, Camila. I had a really good time."

I smiled and felt myself blush a little bit. "It was just dinner."

"Just dinner?" Her eyes widened in disbelief. "Whether it was just dinner or not, it was amazing."

God she had to stop looking at me like that. She was sitting there looking so peaceful and just as beautiful as I remember – if not more.

"Well you're welcome." I smiled and stood up, holding my hand out. "How about we put the fire out and head upstairs." Lauren looked at me with a raised eyebrow and was about to open her mouth when I pressed my finger against her lips. "The girls are sleeping and Ryn will be here before they even wake up. I'll get you to your hotel in the morning seeing as the arena is right beside it."

"Ryn will be here?" Lauren furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yea, she takes the girls to school the mornings I coach." I smiled and proceeded to put out the fire.

"I just figured they'd go with you." She smiled softly. "I mean, I know I would."

"Ah," I laughed, "but you're not a pre-teen. Sleep means everything to Lucas when she can sleep in."

"Hey, I was the exact same way." Lauren protested while she got up and followed me to the kitchen to grab some water. "It wasn't until you that I decided that early mornings were pretty decent."

"Huh." I kicked the fridge door closed with my foot and raised an eyebrow. "Is that why you would complain about me waking up early Saturday mornings?"

"Well hey now," Lauren pouted and bit her lip, "those were usually the mornings we'd fall asleep at like, four in the morning because of all the hot steamy sex."

I blushed and licked my bottom lip before biting it briefly. My eyes scanned her up and down before I flicked off the light switch and placed a hand on her lower back, gently ushering her towards the spiral staircase. "If I do recall," I whispered as we made our way down the darkened hallway upstairs, "you were the one that made sure we stayed up late."

"Never!" Lauren gasped and glared teasingly at me before she relented and shrugged. "What can I say Cabello, you're pretty much my Viagra."

"Oh God." I frowned and groaned. "That was so not sexy."

"Jus' sayin'." Lauren snickered and we found ourselves at Dylan's bedroom door. Quietly we opened it and found her bed neatly made and empty.

"Lucas kept her in her bed again." I whispered, knowing it happened often.

Lauren opened the brunette's door and her smile was melt worthy. Dylan was resting her head on Lucas' shoulder, both of them sleeping peacefully. "It's like they were meant to be sisters." She whispered in awe.

I looked at Lauren's profile and smiled. "They were."

Green eyes stared at me and then the softest and shyest smile graced her lips.

I kissed both girls gently and watched Lauren do the same. Closing the door quietly behind us, we made our way to my bedroom. "You know," I murmured, turning around and wrapping my arms around her waist, "just because you had Dylan two years after I had Lucas and we weren't together, it doesn't mean that they weren't meant to be sisters." The suggestion in my tone was brave and outspoken. She had to have known I did think about 'us' as a family, just like I knew she thought about it too.

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