You Are Now Leaving Midtown

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Camila's PoV

Music filled the air as the stars blinked heavily above us. The summer air was warm at night but not uncomfortably so. Lauren and I had time to go and change into more appropriate celebration clothes and now she was flaunting her abs in a cut off shirt and low cut jeans.

I watched her from across the makeshift dance floor. We were celebrating behind the arena in a large park area. Austin had a few friends help set up at large tent they rented and of course my dad had to make sure we had all the right permits to throw a wedding reception but since it wasn't government owned, we were good to go.

She was chatting with the band as they took a short break. She was absolutely glowing and I couldn't help but smile and admire from afar.

"You know, you don't have to stare at her. She's your wife, go grab her and just kiss the fuck out of her." Normani strolled up beside me with an arm slung around my shoulders.

"I will. I'm just basking in the moment." I smiled and tilted my head slightly. "Look at her Normani, she's so comfortable talking with the band. She belongs in music. I wish she'd take Sofi up on her offer and work in the studio with the artists."

"I bet she would but she loves it where she is, Mila. You two have a life in Kenora and I don't think she wants to give that up anytime soon. Plus, she seems to really enjoy being a music teacher." Normani shrugged. "Isn't she doing both anyway?"

"She does more bookings and paperwork. Stuff she can take on while at home really. There's only been a couple of times she's had to fly out but they were only day or two day trips at most." I smiled as Lauren tilted her head back in laughter at something the lead singer had said.

"Well if I were her, I wouldn't leave you for too long either." She winked and hip checked me playfully. "I'm kidding. I know you're married now and I may be a lot of things, but homewrecker is not one of them. You just have to get over the fact that you missed a chance with me." Normani smirked and kissed my cheek. "I'm happy for you, really. I always knew you and Lauren were meant to be."

"Sap." I shoved her off of me but kept a hold of her hand. "You've been the best friend a girl could have, thank you." I offered sincerely. "I can't wait until your wedding."

"I'm not getting married." Normani shook her head. "It kills the sex drive."

"Whatever." I laughed. "Do you miss being coupled up?"

Normani took a chance and glanced at Sammy, who was dancing with Matthew in her arms as Hannah, Dylan and Cailyn danced around her. "She's happy, so I'm happy. I wasn't about to ask her to marry me or anything," a smile tugged at the corner of her lips, "besides, with how this family works, it'd be like incest. She's practically your sister and well, despite how much I hit on you, you're my family. So gross."

"A simple no would've been good but I got you. Little Normani Kordei has feelings, who would've thought?" I teased and she punched me.

"Fuck you." She feigned hurt but smiled when I rubbed my arm.

"Playing nice, I hope." Sofi walked up to us and handed me a drink.

"As nice as Normani can, I guess." I shrugged.

"Your girl looks really hot on the dance floor, Sof." Normani wiggled her eyebrows and winked.

"Yes, she does." Sofi smiled fondly. "So, what do you think of Cera?" She asked me excitedly.

"They are really good, Sof." I stated proudly and looked towards the stage where Lauren was helping set them back up. "I should go talk to them." I excused myself from Normani but Sofi followed me. "Gorgeous ladies." I approached them with a smile and hugged Lia. "You guys are doing a wonderful job. I think these ladies are lucky to have you on their label."

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